he staples a sign to a telephone p… hoping that anyone can help him find it winter is coming and he dreads the thought of it
last seen at the brink of the abys… screaming at god laughing at the devil and smoking loose tobacco dark eyes and burnt skin
time reduced to ash all the clocks were made of fire burning each second
when the piano notes are dancing rhythms of candle light it’s hard to hear the fire go out the room cools its quiet wakes your fear
time is one my side but what time is it? is it Killing Time?
isolated Sunday bicycle rides tend to compel long winded speeche… character dialogues from stories i… and plenty of l’esprit d’escalier i speak with the dead
in one kiss four lips translate all the languages of the world into a story none of us understand
the first line wrapped itself arou… a quickly tightened noose to take his breath away a second stanza slashed down his w… like a cold razor blade of verse
she broke up with him because he broke her oscillating f… on a 107 degree day in the Texas s… with one angry punch he destroyed the fan
i thought that god was playing hide and go seek with me but it was just
slippery bars make it hard to hold… captive against your will always lathered in the sweat of es… you elude any sentence
desert town of fools born of sand and rainmakers devoted to thirst
early this morning fresh was the only way we could imagine ourselves soft to the teeth
stuck out on a ledge with no stairs no ladder and no one to catch me
the lavish liberty of lust unbound in the salacity of self a lover may take too long or doesn’t take long enough a lover may manipulate you