voices spread through the room like butterflies or wildfires inspiring some to try a new way of thinking
i was 24 riding the Amtrak for the first ti… with a six hour layover in downtow… i left the station looking for a s… but before i found anything resemb…
elusive needle hides from him in a haystack like looking for home
every doughnut tastes like tauntin… classmates laughing and making jokes at your expense every slice of pizza reminds you
when his jam comes on one second in an electric burst hits his gut he pulls his shoulders upright bites the left side of his bottom…
early this morning fresh was the only way we could imagine ourselves soft to the teeth
Tricia Wozniak went missing on No… 1987 walking home from Arey Elementary first there were signs all over town
desert town of fools born of sand and rainmakers devoted to thirst
walking down the path that leads t… from 15th street i pass the same pothole that was t… twenty-two years ago as black and as deep as it was
was afraid of heights until i looked at my back and saw i have wings
Women were placed at the flames, accused of witchcraft, and the smoke of murder rose to the heavens. Man’s ignorant spirit bursting up to the gods, as if they didn’t already know how vi...
i began to tell a grim story of a puppy left alone beneath an overcast sky at first i saw a lost dog sad and without
still he saws at the legs of his Steinway old habits only die hard so he tickles the ivory cigarette hanging from his lips
sobering up is a lot like waking up you don’t really remember your dre… but you know they were more exciti… than this
I cannot be cast under any moon, upon any soul. If not for her,