if significant to one and not to another maxims adages cliches
altar of vodka haloed cocktail, angel blood she prays 80 proof
long begrimed with dust a floor looking for a broom love me for my scuffs
she loved him before when life was a game he played and she loves him still
in the final moments of dusk you r… a last grab at redemption to no possible avail toward a jury of stars and the judgement of the moon
she dances like a fool at the idio… gracelessly fueled by cocktails and
desert town of fools born of sand and rainmakers devoted to thirst
in third grade i confessed to my c… i didn’t know who Joe Montana was because i didn’t watch football the boys were quick to emasculate… and i was ready to punch their lig…
i watch her lips purse around the top end of a cock… sucking up the last drops of a Can… setting the glass arm’s length awa… she lets the bartender see we need…
on the surface you are correct he was an asshole a drunk maybe even
he burns through the keys in hopes to unlock himself with freedom of song
walking down Rundberg a gentleman of the homeless junkie… approaches me from ahead “hey mayne ima be hones wischu
race against midnight an eleventh hour dash for the quick finish
trees tremble in fright sharing tales that shake their lea… lumberjack stories
the Buk used to write about the va… hanging around the downtown Los A… looking around the library here on 8th & Rio Grande i think