To Bre
You are my happiness, but I am no… I believe this to be true because… I have been nothing but true. I have given my best to you. My words mimic my actions and my a…
I removed my ribcage for you, exposing my heart entirely. Letting go of all fears of being hurt, allowing myself to let someone in completely. As this dagger enters, I feel the cold o...
As I lay upon this cold hard floo… I stir, shivering cold and uncomfo… The hurt and worry surging through… I cannot sleep, I cannot lie stil… I long to move, move to the bed an…
I see you wiping them away, I fee… My heart aches, I want to help. T… I hold you, I ask you what’s wron… I love you, I am here for you.
Scarce and hard to find is the abi… In your presence looking into your… It took a lot for me to let my gua… Telling you just how much I love… What it takes to answer all of you…
Last night I missed you lying next to me. The touch of your skin against mine setting my stress free. The heat passing through, feeling it pass from me to you. I missed you tucking you...
I won’t tell you that I miss you. I won’t tell you that it still ach… I won’t tell you that I still get… I won’t tell you that I am inspir… I won’t tell you that your kiss is…
My unicorn behind the glass, the one who holds to her past. I never knew that I would fall, And yet I gave to you my all. I am hypnotized by your eyes,
Why is it called heart break when… The feeling of it being compressed… The pulling feeling from deep with… The uncontrollable shaking in our… The feeling of everything pinning…
I love you so much– my heart you have touched. I love your beautiful smile– just to see it I would wrestle a c… I love your little big hugs–
When I first laid eyes on you I f… A feeling that every day, to mysel… Quietly I adored you not allowing… I made every excuse to stop and ma… Your smile was always so infectiou…
You know that I love you, but you… To the degree that I rid myself o… To the degree that I constantly c… To the degree that sometimes I th… To the degree that my stomach is a…
Every night I dream many dreams. Some good, some bad. It isn’t the dreams that haunt me. It’s the time in between those dreams that I lay there. I lay there thinking about you. About ho...
To his fear of being hurt, to his abandonment issue, to pretending he loves people that he doesn’t. I once believed I knew what most could not figure out, how to keep people at bay, to ...
I am a boulder, but you are the sea. I sit on your shore and admire your beauty. I am always there next to you, never moving. I bathe in your touch as your waves roll up and gently care...