Dan Barnes


Why is it called heart break when it’s our entire chest that hurts?
The feeling of it being compressed and crushed.
The pulling feeling from deep within the pit of our stomach.
The uncontrollable shaking in our hands.
The feeling of everything pinning out of control around us.
The feeling of our eyes swelling up and the stinging from the tear on the sensitive skin just below our eyes.
The salty taste of the tears as they roll past our lips.
The quiver and twitch that we can’t stop our mouth from performing.
The feeling of curling up and holding ourselves.
The feeling of wanting to cry out loud, to release the sound of unbearable pain.
The feeling of wanting to pull things apart, pictures, pillow cases, anything.
That loss of appetite, the thirst for something alcoholic.
The feeling that nothing matters at that moment except for that pain, that loss, that person.
That feeling of needing sleep, the exhaustion.
Why does the heart get credit or blame?
The mind tricks us into forgetting that it is to blame.
It busies us with thoughts of what was, what could have been.
Thoughts of where it went wrong, where it might be repairable, how it can be recovered.
It floods us with memories of all of the good times, memories of the tender moments, the hardest things to let go of.
The mind fools us into playing music that reminds us of that person, those moments.
Our mind haunts us with the ghost of our lover, torturing us to our very soul.

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