To Bre
I try so hard to play it cool and unaffected. The truth is while I seem so mellow; I am shaking to the core. I hate it; usually I keep my composure better than anyone. I can usually let...
Love is full of hills, pits, and p… It’s a rugged journey. One that; you tire of climbing hil… Tire of falling into pits. But those plateaus are beautiful.
I won’t tell you that I miss you. I won’t tell you that it still ach… I won’t tell you that I still get… I won’t tell you that I am inspir… I won’t tell you that your kiss is…
I love you so much– my heart you have touched. I love your beautiful smile– just to see it I would wrestle a c… I love your little big hugs–
Your scent still lingers on me, and each time I notice it I am se… It is soaked into my skin, reigniting a fire deep from within… Your scent still on my fingers,
Scarce and hard to find is the abi… In your presence looking into your… It took a lot for me to let my gua… Telling you just how much I love… What it takes to answer all of you…
Today I start a difficult journey… Let go of a woman I love from de… It hurts from within a pain unlik… I wanted her to love me to want me… I waited for the day for her to d…
I can’t seem to explain in person, I get tight in the chest and a lump in the throat. This whole time, I thought that you would reel me in and cast me out. I didn’t realize that I was s...
I spend all my hours wondering, Wondering what you’re thinking, Wondering if this is a time bomb t… Wondering for whom you are feeling… Wondering why these thoughts send…
I removed my ribcage for you, exposing my heart entirely. Letting go of all fears of being hurt, allowing myself to let someone in completely. As this dagger enters, I feel the cold o...
Why is it when we feel hurt, we lash out to hurt the ones we th… It only results in more pain, things said that we didn’t mean. Things said that we can’t take bac…
I want nothing more than you, the… I would run for miles and miles, j… I would shed my clothes to bare sk… I would sacrifice a leg and an arm… I would run into a raging fire, to…
You are my happiness, but I am no… I believe this to be true because… I have been nothing but true. I have given my best to you. My words mimic my actions and my a…
How do I quiet my inner demons ho… They whisper to me thoughts of bet… They haunt me from a past where I… a time when there was no love and… They remind me of the lies that I…
Last night I missed you lying next to me. The touch of your skin against mine setting my stress free. The heat passing through, feeling it pass from me to you. I missed you tucking you...