Dan Barnes


Honesty in actions is what creates and holds trust. Words can lie but actions cannot, so lie if you must.  You can tell me anything that you want, but you will show me what you are about. If your actions don’t match your words, know it’s you that created the doubt.

If your words do not make sense I will hear it. If your actions do not match your words I will see it. I will give you the respect that you earn. There will be limited amount of times that I allow myself get burned.

Honesty in actions can mend the trust. So do what is right do what is just. I will always forgive but I will also remember. Keep that in mind if your actions you try to justify or blur. Be what you say and say what you be, otherwise you will lose me.

Say that you love me and I will tell you that I love you to. But show me that you love me and don’t treat me like a fool. If you do something that you would not like me to do then you know its wrong. Act with integrity and this love will gor and remain strong.

Honesty in actions shows who you are, and what you’re about. Lies, omissions, and suspect behavior will result in mistrust and doubt. We might not know what the other is doing when we are not there, but we should know what they won’t do because we treat one another fair.

So I give you my my heart and in you I will believe. And by that I mean I am honest with you and would not deceive. If you tell the truth you don’t need to remember a thing. All dishonesty and misleading will do is hurt and sting.

Honesty in actions honesty in words, when they exist between two in blends their worlds.

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