Dan Barnes


I removed my ribcage for you, exposing my heart entirely. Letting go of all fears of being hurt, allowing myself to let someone in completely.
As this dagger enters, I feel the cold of its jagged blade pierce my heart. I have no one except myself to blame, as I watch as this all falls apart.
I let down my guard and went into love war, without the protective ribcage armor. I know that I will heal in time, and someday you will stop being the inspiration for my rhyme.
But for now I will sit and stew, drink and think of all of the memories I made with you. I will lay down alone in that bed we shared, I will search in my sleep for the woman that once lay next to me for which I so dearly cared.
I will mend my heart and make it whole, I will rebuild myself and search my soul. I will rebuild the armor to protect it, I will then look back and think of us and cherish it.
I hope one day that you find that one true love, that person that you put no one and nothing above. The one that will make you feel the way I feel for you, the exceptional one that you work so hard to prove that you are true to.
My love for you is something I’ve said, wrote, and sung about. And yet you have so much doubt. This love is strong and I wanted to be the one for which you wanted to belong. Since I love you so, I am willing to let you go.
I want you to be happy, to be at your best. Even if that means that it is someone else that gets blessed. I thank you for the love and for the moments, with a heavy loss I must withdraw and work through this torment.

Autres oeuvres par Dan Barnes...
