Won’t ask you to Fake it
I’m not near Half hatred
On the idea that I can’t quite get under the skin
That clinges to your bones
I claim I won’t jump
When you rest your hands on my hips pulling me close
And your hands so much bigger then mine
Grabbing my ass
Slyly shyly
Claiming me before you push me away
Do I cause fear in the hearts of young men now
A cougar on the prowl
A Demi God
I was quoted on so long ago
That I’m a broken soul
A banshee
Screaming for a partner
A mermaid
Drowning a sailor
Not a wife
Not a mother
Does that make me a failure
The numbness comes back when it’s dark and I’m alone
Claiming the inside of my skull
The demons pulling at the seams
Trying again to get back in
And yet
Manx in your arms I’m not the minx people claim me to be
In your arms I’m hopeless
And finally
Although horny
I’m somehow quite free