
You’re simply not alone Andrew Thierry and Nozima Husainova in your astute thinking and forthright conclusions!

By Stanley Collymore
You’re both of you entitled to your
opinions just as your critics are
to theirs, but which obviously
differ from yours. And very significantly
what have your opinions got to do with
your evident undoubtedly professional
ability and likewise also, judgement to
do the job you were obviously fittingly
appointed to? Let us remember there
are two sides to this dire, Palestinian
conflict and just because you do not
agree with opinions, that specifically
differ largely from your own, doesn’t
mean that you, and those who think
like you do, are rather automatically
right, and therefore in your obvious,
rather distinctively, fixated mind-set,
everyone else is undeniably, wrong!
But far worse still, all such persons
must be arbitrarily deprived of their
jobs and livelihood, simply to most
pathetically, satisfy your jaundiced
point of view, and ingrained idiocy!
How does any employer, and most
perniciously so, ever get to own
an employee’s very personal
views? These employers respectively of
Nozima Husainova and Andrew Thierry
rather self-evidently good at their jobs,
because their employers had retained
them in work, by distinctively keeping
them employed, while quite evidently,
both these now conveniently, sacked
employees would’ve rather obviously
held the same views while they were
in these same appointments prior to
this spuriously engineered fracas by
their employers, and evidently doing
so without issue. And very evidently
what intelligent persons are literally
insultingly, and also asininely being
subjected to but, unsurprisingly so,
gratefully not falling for is crucially
nothing less than these respective
concerns fucking virtue signalling!
Governments as well as these
clearly very avariciously run
corporations must never
be allowed to own people or have their
own arbitrary copyright, on what such
people are thinking or literally saying.
Unquestionably so laws against libel
and defamation clearly already exist
and if they’re flouted, then obviously,
the perceived very aggrieved person
should then, seek judicial restitution
essentially, in a properly constituted
court of law, not distinctly arbitrarily
behave like this! And crucially, to all
of you brainwashed morons, baying
for the blood of Andrew Thierry and
Nozima Husainova, I’ve no problem
with your jaundiced opinions as I’m
not, in the very least, mildly swayed
by them; and as long as you simply
similarly accept that you too, could
become a target, of this autocratic,
self-serving and discernibly puerile
conduct by governments and their
distinctly in bed with corporations,
if significantly, at some time in the
future it’s most ironically your turn
because you simply disagree with
what they’re then illegally pushing
that you accept your ostracization
with clearly estimable equanimity!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 October 2023.

Author's Remarks:
It's only called free speech when those allegedly applying it agree with the majority in or the best interests of the political party ruling that specific, usually white Caucasian country!

Similarly, hate is only acceptable when it's coming from entrenched racists, white supremacists, the acquisitively financially privileged; the British monarchy and their hereditary chums, the right-wing mainstream media (MSM); Tory Prime Ministers and Cabinet members in tandem with their likeminded Labtories; government and senior military officials; the British police forces, principally the Metropolitan Police; magistrates and judges, as evidenced in their disparate sentencing of whites and non-whites for the very same crimes, and the still plethora of House Nigger and Coconut "Useful Idiots" always keen to do their white masters and mistresses bidding, and naturally the surfeit of intellectually challenged, brainwashed and obviously brain dead Karens and Gammons that instinctively and fanatically support the aforementioned detritus of humanity that I prefer to label as what they effectively are - inveterate, toxically verminous scum! Not only in Britain but actually and quite literally across the largely white Caucasian dominated and ruled world, with the markedly manifest exception among them of Germany!

#Admiration #Courage #Inspirational

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