Author’s analysis
In the west predatory sexual instincts ascribed to and routinely acknowledged to exist among Homo sapiens is often principally associated with the male gender, this despite the accumulation of a plethora of historical and decisively, irrefutable empirical data that’s readily available to substantively support the contrary point of view that this is distinctly far from being the case. But white Caucasian males, for the most part, demonstrably like and very much prefer the first, well-received but erroneous narrative that evidently gives them the emotional, comfort blanket boost and psychological peace of mean which they desperately yearn for to misleadingly corroborate what to others is the glaringly fictional notion of their machismo alpha male persona that they boastfully like to gird themselves with.
A right questionable state of affairs that from their ludicrous perspective nevertheless fittingly reinforces their staunch belief that they’re not only racially and culturally the Master Race but unquestionably too also superior in bed; a conclusion which conflictingly, as I’ve personally discovered on numerous occasions, is a point of view that many of their womenfolk don’t share at all, find risible in the extreme and privately have no hesitation in saying so, as their ongoing and intentional cuckolding of these purported Master Race specimens of humanity clearly attest to and firmly demonstrate.
That said members of both genders periodically tend to keep souvenirs of sexual encounters that they’ve engaged in and which at the time meant something, and even specially so, to them. However, what no normal individual among them ever does is to send semen or vaginal stained clothing, specifically derived from that sexual involvement, to either their mom or dad for safe keeping; as to do so would be most bizarre to say the very least and in a worst case scenario have serious overtones of premeditated and devious machinations in the offing on the part of the person involved in this kind of outlandish conduct.
Therefore in my opinion Monika Lewinsky is not and has never been the hapless victim she self-servingly seeks to portray herself as, nor have I ever thought for a solitary moment that Bill Clinton was or is a sexual abuser. A charismatic Lothario no doubt, but what may I ask is wrong with that if no coercion or manipulative deceit is ever contemplated or employed in the seduction process?
Candidly and significantly to-date even though I’ve long and voluntarily desisted from liberally but quite selectively sowing my wild oaks, as was previously my wont to do, as I not only grew up as normal people in such circumstances invariably do but have also sagaciously realized that however keen I was on proverbially climbing mountains so to speak, I didn’t have to persistently scale either new ones or the likes of existing and challenging ones like Mt. Everest every time, or for that matter regard their successful ascent as proof positive that I was still very much a highly skilled, undeniably accomplished and a remarkably competent mountaineer; a similar conclusion I logically arrived at in relation to sex and consequently determined that I had nothing to prove to myself and much less so to anyone!
And since I’ve comprehensively, and pleasurably as well, had considerably far more than my fair share of sexual conquests: all of them perfectly legal, non-predatory, exclusively heterosexual, highly emotionally compatible – else I simply wouldn’t have indulged in them in the first place - and distinctly always mutually consensual, set against that backdrop the quite lunatic idea that all sexually active men are invidious predators and conversely every female is chaste, naïve at worst or wholly innocent relative to the actions she embarks on is as preposterous, I firmly believe, as someone of either gender reaching the age of puberty and still believing, if they ever did in this contemporary and promiscuous world of ours, that newborn babies are found by their respective mothers under gooseberry bushes or else delivered to them by rather longsuffering but none the less altruistic storks tasked with the dubious privilege of doing so.