If only all men were so considerate (smile)!
By Stanley Collymore Beauty, it’s often said, is in the… and while that is essentially a ra… analysis of this particular situat… there is nevertheless some semblan…
By Stanley Collymore Can I seduce you? I only ask beca… I’ve some time to kill and, for th… life of me, can’t really think of how I can otherwise
By Stanley Collymore Seemingly I’m in love with you bu… too I neither like nor trust you,… myself into this ridiculous situat… mystery to me, I readily agree, an…
By Stanley Collymore You are the conscience of the nati… instinctively imbued with a commit… of duty not only to the well-being… fellow citizens but also to the in…
By Stanley Collymore There’re no words, however fluentl… that can truly describe the excruc… compounded by the dreadful horror… experienced by those that were unn…
By Stanley Collymore Why in the face of simply quite discernibly overpowering and an actual preponderance, of undeniable evidence, are some peop…
By Stanley Collymore You’ve caused me considerable pain… embarrassment and humiliation: emotions I’d rather not have had to endure in my short
Lee Anderson’s comments on London’s elected Mayor Sadiq Khan that he is effectively controlled by an Islamist and terrorist mafia, equates, says Anderson’s now numerous white supporters...
By Stanley Collymore Pussies are the same the world ove… stroke them lovingly, feed them when they’re hungry and everything will be
By Stanley Collymore Funny, in the peculiar sense and not the least bit humorous that not so long ago, and evidently still is today by anyone who truly…
By Stanley Collymore So Richard Walker wants power and political standing literally automatically and crucially quite discernibly so without actua…
By Stanley Collymore An inspirational and honest man who spoke from the heart and his communities experience; someone, who sought positive chang…
By Stanley Collymore I want to paint a massive and quit… in the sky not as a warning sign o… weather to come or the after effec… but simply as a personal expressio…
By Stanley Collymore Physically you’re undeniably a ver… young lady, and to even the most c… observers or the amateur admirer,… alone a very seasoned connoisseur
By Stanley Collymore Kate Middleton sorely missed by the MSM, the pensioners and the other sycophants? Thank God for that! For what real…