

By Stanley Collymore
You talk often enough about truth,
freedom and the execution of justice
but your words are both meaningless
and cheap, as there’s no substance,
whatsoever, in what you say
as regards to any of these;
for you’re still the instinctive
and ever accommodating rubber stamps
of the Crown Prosecution Service and a crooked
and out-of-control police force whose very name
once emblazened your courts; and where,
despite the cosmetic name change, the
debased mentality and corruption
between the three of you
stay solidly the same.
Yes! You are the
shameless sycophants who,
without a scrap of honesty
or morality to even superficially
penetrate your endemic mediocrity,
masquerade as an unbiased judiciary
yet have no awareness, that can be readily
discerned by anyone, of what either of these
two concepts correctly symbolize or actually
mean in reality.
Hence, no independent spirit—
provided, of course, you were ever
capable of such—
will ever be allowed to revoke your
remit decreed by others: orders to
which you clearly attach so much;
let alone deliberately undermine
what you regularly, fraudulently
and malevolently pass off
as objective scrutiny
in your hostile and
regarding those hapless men and women
whose status, and even their right to life,
you daily challenge and arrogantly see
as vastly inferior to your own.
So why, given the nature and levels of dishonesty
so all pervasive within the English magistracy,
are you so surprised that I’m not taken in
by the machinations of what I see as
unelected and unaccountable charlatans:
a situation where nepotism, privilege, secrecy
and the rapidly spreading cancer of freemasonry
are entirely out of control and, quite frankly
it must be said, have permanently killed
off whatever notions still remained of
justice for everyone in England
stone cold dead?
But you don’t care, do you, as it’s alright for
you, your family members, close friends
and even your work colleagues too;
for taking a leaf out of your blood-related,
Israeli-Zionists playbook, you too are on
a mission to arbitrarily transform how
your country ultimately looks.
creating an England if not
exactly as white as the
driven snow is none
the less one where
the practices of
eugenics and white supremacy, ably
assisted, of course, by stitched up
and enforced criminality will
with your helpful assistance
and cloak of legality
become established
acts of normalcy!
Where’s the gratitude then to those, one
can rightfully ask, without whom you
wouldn’t be here to enjoy the life
style or the privilege, which
instinctively you assume is
your lawful birthright?
Or is power, control and the
colour of your skin much more
important than justice, morality or
simply from within doing what every
conscionable person in his or her heart
knows to be the right thing? Something quite
clearly you miserably failed to have understood
is deleterious in the long run to everyone and
can only bode ill for England’s future good.
For when all is said and done humanity
And life encompass much more
Than being white and Caucasian!
© Stanley V. Collymore
1 April 1998.
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