
Why sycophantically fawn over people you really don’t know and never will, beats me!

By Stanley Collymore
Rather self-evidently, conscionable
concern is clearly needed for the
Windsor children being raised
with these distinctly poor values they’re
being imbued with! Other than that too,
anyone with rather a minimum amount
of common sense, let alone any viable
Intelligence, can clearly see, simply by
looking at these unquestionably really
asinine and distinctly equally, fatuous
photos that this is irrefutably actually
a clearly truly basically dysfunctional
family unit, literally ensconced within
a similarly larger, evident family. One,
that obviously, doesn’t make any real
sense in a truly modern environment;
and bluntly rather offensive basically
considering the literally unwarranted
status that they’re accorded, and the
society over which they undoubtedly
evidently have, this unelected status
over, are cynically crucially unasked,
clearly offensively so, either for their
permission in that regard or actually
to evidently, have to obligatorily fork
out such inordinate, sums of money
to these distinctly financial leeches!
And, wouldn’t it at least be honest if
the voters had that relevant, decent
option to effectively choose, whom
their national wealth simply should
or could essentially be squandered
in this discernibly farcical fashion?
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
My guess is that those who undeniably, evidently run, and similarly control this distinctly inequitable system, obviously in tandem with those who significantly, massively profit from it; quite evidently apart from literally feathering their own financial nests and enhancing, as well, their own social climbing ambitions, do generally know, that deeply embedded sycophantic serfs are customarily very used to these sorts of things, and since Britain is still in reality very undoubtedly still a firm feudal entity, in this the 21st Century, even though pretending, to be a genuinely modern democracy, while in essence, disadvantage too oneself literally on behalf a bunch of fatuous, basically lowlife, toxically verminous morons that are so immersed in their quite rampant stupidity, that there's no way they would ever thank you for what you're evidently doing on their behalf these discernibly masochistic and intensely proud of it, feudal mind-set, monarchical serfs who carry on infesting British society clearly with their presence. And the Windsors know this quite well; and obviously so, wholly capitalize on it!


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