
When will I see you again? And crucially so after that never again, ever!

By Stanley Collymore
Society has very successfully quite
obviously managed to essentially
collect, sort out and beneficially
utilize household rubbish so there ought not
to be any problems literally doing the same
with this obviously, sickeningly, despicable
detritus; masquerading, as human beings!
And besides, the 1930s and 40s Germany
and also other European Nazis that these
likewise odious but clearly comparatively
diminutive, undoubtedly evidently, lowlife
scum, so distinctively, and vaingloriously
trying to obviously emulate them, now in
this a 21st Century Britain should simply
really seek to crucially bear in mind, that
distinctly actually relative to themselves
a precise situation can, specifically also,
be utilized by clearly highly mechanized
and quite rigorously implemented units,
principally along the lines of Auschwitz,
Dachau, and Belsen Bergen specifically
were, for example to similarly, be rid of
them. Unquestionably obviously easier
now, than it actually was, in the 1930s!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
11 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Life is unquestionably a very precious gift and should undoubtedly be treated as such. Alas, though, there are elements amongst us, who crucially, evidently like the toxically verminous scum that they irrefutably are quite obviously shouldn't be breathing God's wholesome air; and no intelligent person needs me to actually tell them what every decent society should do with them. And the sooner, the better!


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