
Self-evidently some people are pathologically, just plain nasty!

By Stanley Collymore
There are some vile people around I know;
however, don’t be put off helping others
because of your awful experiences
with such folk as not everyone is as odiously
evil and quite ungrateful as the undoubtedly
aforementioned evidently are. Furthermore,
in this literally, publicly reported police and
court case of a British doctor, obviously of
Asian ancestry having been quite violently
abused, by a solitary white woman, whom
he saw sitting, and seemingly unhappy, in
the rain voluntarily, and quite altruistically
going to her assistance and truly offering
her a hot cup of tea only to be vitriolically
and very noxiously racially abused by her,
shouldn’t I honestly believe obviously put
off other ethnic minorities, or anyone, for
that matter, helping others as clearly not
all people, whom you can genuinely help
aren’t psychopathic morons who should
be in mental institutions, very irrefutably
so if Maggie Thatcher, and her distinctly
discernibly vile short-sighted likeminded
Tories hadn’t financially got rid of them;
or clearly if such basically transparently
and effectively undeniably lowlife scum
previously had not equally, escaped the
educational system, utterly completely!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
11 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Are you one of them? That said you evidently need the intelligence and education to simply ascertain that one. But if out rightly you state that you're not without even checking, then I promise you, most assuredly, that irrefutably, you're distinctively a first class lowlife moron!

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