
The Rude Awakening of Useful Idiot Angela Kelly!

By Stanley Collymore
Angela Kelly is working class,
what  else did she expect?
So busy herself during
her 20 years catering to Liz Windsor’s
every fatuous whim, while effectively
like her employer quite vilely looking
down at others: her very nefariously
odious treatment of Meghan, surely
for instance; this too accompanied
by her evilly repugnant, a distinctly,
nakedly entrenched supercilliously
superior personal attitude actually
attendant with a firmly pernicious,
deeply ingrained fittingly fostered
and a personal, rather proactively
vile supportive racism and linked
bigotry towards all those that are
of a different skin colour, race, or
nationality, fully conveniently but
narcissistically too, forgetting as
well how basically low down, the
pecking pole, she herself truly is.
Well Angela Kelly darling, this is
England and you have an Irish
name; likewise dirty docker’s
genes and irrefutably most distinctly
in that process, rather obviously too
evidently Liverpudlian Irish, working
class roots. So rather candidly then
what Charles, Camilla and the other
major Windsor players are crucially
and unequivocally bluntly saying to
you girlie is, know you place Paddy.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
30 April 2023.

Author's Remarks:
When unbridled Stockholm syndrome Useful Idiots ultimately get their just comeuppance there's generally a great feeling of poetic justice and relief fully experienced and shared both amongst those who have unfortunately been so mercilessly on the receiving of the very repulsive hatred, abuse and complete disdain directed at them, as well as all genuinely intelligent and observant folk who logically and expectantly predicted the very obvious inevitability of such a justifiable outcome. And quite evidently it has inevitably happened with the quite obviously delusional and odious scouser Angela Kelly!

Fully cognizant of the warped mindset of Angela Kelly I am surprised that she didn't offer herself to be entombed with Liz Windsor as was very customary in the good old days when such fawningly loyal serfs, servants, slaves - call them what you will - happily in their live but permanently entombed state deluded themselves that they were effusively accompanying their beloved, divine ruler to their eternal Valhalla. That would have been an adequate solution self-evidently to Angela Kelly's obvious accommodation problem, and happily save Charlie boy the bother of having to kick her out of her grace and favour, taxpayer funded for life, Windsor estate living pad!

Personally, if left to me, all the Angela Kelly's would be unceremoniously made homeless. Let them see then how it actually feels to arrogantly and also most condescendingly look down on others. These asinine, patronizing and quite delusional, toxically verminous, classism entrenched, and repulsively, social climbing scum!

#Hate #Racism #Sycophancy

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