Author's Remarks:
Semites are a biological race, not a bloody religion. The Palestinians are biological Semites as are the Falasha who are irrefutably the oldest authentic Jewish sect on Planet Earth; and there are blacker in complexion than any Afro-Caribbean, the ethnic group to which Diane Abbott as well as I genuinely belong. And like all Afro-Caribbeans we enforcedly carry in our DNA system the white male Y chromosome barbarically and brutally imposed there through the systematic and systemic rape of our people by white Caucasians, the direct consequence of the Transatlantic Slave, begun in my ancestral homeland of Barbados by Sephardic Jews, kicked out of Brazil and were permanently refused sanctuary anywhere across the Americas except for Barbados that took them in; and that’s how these mother fuckers repaid the hospitality of Barbados. Go check it out.
The same Sephardic barbarians who subscribed to the notion - when white Irish indentured servants barbadozed as it was called then to Barbados, couldn’t hack the arduous work in Barbados and died off in their thousands - these fucking Sephardic Jews, because of their relationship with the Arabs who’d previously saved their pathetic asses from Iberian Christendom until both they and the Arabs themselves were kicked out of Portugal and Spain, moved to Brazil when it was briefly under Dutch control and were themselves summarily kicked out when the Portuguese regained control - now to further enhance their financial intake – how unsurprisingly not seeing who they were – connived with the Arabs who had a geological knowledge of Africa, which these Sephardic Jews didn’t, to have Black slaves shipped to Barbados and subsequently over the ensuing 500 years to other areas of the Caribbean and Latin America as well as the colonies that opened up in North America. Naturally, become stupendously rich, these Sephardic Jews, and with the first generation of their kind and the oldest Jewish population in North America stemming from Barbados, where the oldest synagogue anywhere across the Caribbean, Latin or North America is still located and is now a world heritage site, continued to make their fortune in North America. Although there are those across the CARICUM region, who because of its barbaric association with slavery and the trillions, in today’s terms that Jews made off of our Black people, would dearly have loved to see this synagogue blown to smithereens. But Bajans, who’re a mature and intelligent people who haven’t received any slavery compensation and aren’t waiting for any or demanding such, concentrating instead on developing their country which boasts one of the highest standards of education globally, a first rate National Health Service, and has one of the largest and healthiest centenarian populations anywhere in the world, decided to let it stay. And none more eloquently so than the Father of Barbados’ Independence and a Royal Air Force World War 2 hero, ERROL WALTION BARROW, whose courageous and altruistic efforts like many other Barbadians and Afro-Caribbeans significantly helped to save these Zionists asses: for let’s face it, that’s what the majority of them are, Zionists, and most definitely not practising religious Jews! But have no compunction whatever in dishonestly and disingenuously using the religion of Judaism for their own nefarious purposes. And those who’re practising Judaism are no different in actuality from white European Christians whose ancestors converted to Christianity.
European Jews are not biologically Semites! The country they primarily originated from was a small kingdom of its own on the borders of what we now know as Russia and was politically sandwiched between the Ottoman Empire and the Christian, so-called Holy Roman Empire. And these Khazars were people who made their living primarily from mercenary activities; in short supplying both sides in a conflict simultaneously with weapons and the like. The Ottomans wanted them to join them and the Holy Roman Empire wanted them too on their side, and both these entities gave them an ultimatum. So to avoid being set upon by either or both these entities, the ruler of these Khazars came up with his own plan claiming that he’d ordered his people to become Jews. That way they belonged no side, Ottoman Turk or so-called Holy Roman Empire and could carry on with their profitable warmongering business of assisting both sides at the same time and profiting hugely from both whoever won or even loss? It’s the 21st Century now, and fuck all has changed with these people. Go check it out you ignoramuses.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Semitic religions; and why? Because the people that founded them were genuine Semites born in the Middle East and North Africa; the Falasha for example being principal among them. Joseph and Mary supposedly fled to Egypt when Herod wanted to kill Jesus. Egypt then was a Black country just as Australia was an Aborigine one when whites first reached there, although the cunts in Australia delude themselves and still do that that island continent was Terra nullius; never mind the Aborigines having lived there, as they still do, for over 66 thousand years. Likewise, Egypt was Black and the influx of Arabs came in the same fashion as whites into Australia. I mention this fact because it’s significant. Mary, Joseph and Jesus, in a region that was exclusively brown and Black somehow WHITE? Kiss-me-ass laughable to anyone with a functioning brain! But to compound this arrant nonsense by suggesting that they then fled to Egypt with Jesus to be safe: a country that was overwhelmingly Black and with Jesus’ life at serious risk, that’ll be like a Black couple in 2023 fleeing the British police for whatever reason with their Black baby child and heading for an exclusively WHITE area of Britain like say Windsor; or a few similar white ones I could name across mainland Europe, and not expecting to stand out by taking such a ludicrous action?
It’s a fucking joke! Even a common o garden white criminal in the UK who’s wanted by the police wouldn’t go and actually try to hide out in what’s an exclusively Asian or Black area, any more than if I was personally wanted by the police as a Bajan/British Black man, although quite enforcedly born British, would I head off for an all-white area to hide out. Shows you how fucking stupid, gullible and significantly racist whites are and specifically British ones. Lol! Try working that one out you dim-witted racists. So either Joseph, Mary and Jesus were white or they weren’t. And if they were white, they were sure as hell taking one big risk trying to hide away in a Black country. Or perhaps the Blacks in Egypt then were very much like us quite friendly Bajans, exceptionally friendly and accommodating and took them in like we did the Sephardic Jews (smile).
Seriously, no white Christian or white European Jew, any more so than significant numbers of Blacks, ludicrously so Asians or anyone else are logically or sensibly Semites. Like I said earlier, just like Diane Abbott and all other Afro-Caribbeans I carry the white male Y chromosome in my genetic makeup; I was also like I said enforcedly born British, as our ancestors then had no choice relative to their own nationality. But do I see myself, or call myself, a white Caucasian, because I have Caucasian DNA inside my genetic makeup? That’ll be fucking daft! But I’m British and far more so than all these pogrom and European holocaust escaping prats who proselytize themselves as British when essentially they scarcely are. Put bluntly my ancestral homeland of Barbados made a very insignificant offshore European island, well part of it called England, what it historically and subsequently became. What the hell did the ancestors of Tom Bauer, name change Bower; Michael Hecht; same in respect of Howard; Dominic Raab, at least he’s kept his original name; Amanda Platell; Sarah Vine et al - all hard-core racists and Zionists, who have the bloody effrontery to see the likes of Diane Abbott as “outsiders” do for Britain. Get a fucking life you blithering ignoramuses.
You are the descendants of Pogrom chasers who were your own people that kicked you out and killed you, and caused those of you who survived to find rescue in Britain when no other European country wanted you; the same situation during the European holocaust; as significant numbers of you are also of German origin. No Bajan, Jamaican, other CARICOM state member or Afro-Caribbean put you in the very invidious situations you and your ancestral lot were in. But many Black and Brown people risked their lives courageously and altruistically and furthermore loads of them died to save your very ungrateful, racist asses. So much so that Errol Barrow the Founding Father of the Barbadian Nation, now thankfully a Republic, along with many others resolutely refused post-war to accept any of your fucking medals or awards. Because they know what the white British are like, having as a people to put up with you for in excess of 400 years. And practically everything you have in Britain goes back to our original ownership or that of other enslaved and colonized non-white countries.
Meanwhile, Germany that carried out two holocausts of its own in what was then South West Africa systematically and intentionally wiping out over 80% of its indigenous population; the country where the groundwork for the European holocaust was cast and to whom no compensation has been paid, while anyone calling himself or herself a Jew can and does qualify for the post-war German Compensation scheme, and if you’re like David Cameron and his wife Samantha, can in their own right, also get post Transatlantic Slavery Compensation as well, as a consequence of their ancestors having given up under the Abolition Act of 1833, their slaves – never mind they were hugely compensated in today’s terms with trillions of Pounds, but their descendants like David Cameron and Samantha centuries later can carry on receiving these payments in their millions of Pounds; meanwhile the slaves at the time got nothing nor have their descendants. Interestingly enough David Cameron is dead set against any compensation for salve descendants claiming that no one in Britain today is responsible for slavery, yet quite happy though to collect, along with wife Samantha, in her own right millions of Pounds for their ancestors having been obliged to give up their slaves and at a time when the likes of David and Samantha weren’t even contemplated let alone born.
But that’s white logic for you. Christian when it comes to collecting Transatlantic Slavery Compensation; but a Jew however, when it comes to collecting the German “Wiedergutmachung Agreement” compensation scheme payments exclusively paid to anyone who calls themselves a “Jew”, when most are Zionists, who like their Christian counterparts relative to churches, wouldn’t know what the inside of a synagogue looks like! And significantly, since 1952, the German government has paid in excess of 60 Billion in indemnification to these people; not a bad financial racket for people who keep telling the world they only lost 6 million people. However, not a single Deutschmark or Euro has been paid to the Gypsies who lost considerably far more people than that alleged Jewish total; likewise no compensation either to those Frenchmen and women of Black/white ethnicity, derogatorily referred to as the Rhineland Niggers who died just as barbarically in the European death camps; or anyone else.
And bloody well guess what? Not one solitary Jew or Zionist has ever campaigned publicly or made any official representation on the behalf of the other European holocaust victims. And in essence it all only about their fucking selves. Never mind in the least bit to them that these people were in the same concentration and death camps of Europe as their parents and grandparents who they want everyone else to fucking eulogize eternally; and if sensible people refuse to do so because they can see the rampant hypocrisy involved, they are then branded anti-Semites! In all humanity one would sensibly imagine that knowing other people suffered the same barbarities as your relatives, real or the alleged ones you made up to get the “Wiedergutmachung Compensation, would strike a humanitarian chord in you and want that these people and their relatives would similarly be compensated as any Jew or Zionist who turns up for his or her handout, whether or not they had anyone in these atrocious concentration or death camps.
And the brutal and honest reason is these malevolently egregious Zionist pillocks simply see it as “more money for themselves and their kind!” Yet these recipients aren’t poor people; are people that collectively and literally control the financial institutions of the white west as well as Hollywood the image shaping bastion of western deception, lying and delusions off which the white intellectually challenged, toxically verminous and white racist scum avidly feed off of and literally believe all the Zionist shit told to them; and against this sickening backdrop one would never have thought that the white Caucasian European war, vaingloriously referred to as World War 2, ended in 1945 and we’re actually now in 2023, the 21st Century.
A standard joke among my German friends and students over the decades I’ve lived and worked in Germany is not only the psychological change of these people who not only delusionally believe that the entire world is against them, an intensely quite incestuously inbred lot – just look, even casually at the physical and specifically the facial characteristics that mark them out – while essentially doing so from a position generally of privilege, is this arrant nonsense that they’re actually Semites and that anyone who challenges that idiocy of theirs is racist and anti-Semitic. Categorically and unapologetically they’re not Semites but Europeans who effectively and rather intentionally conveniently chose a Semitic religion, as it happened to actually cover their financial asses. That’s just what it was! All my life I’ve been an Anglican in my faith and the Anglican faith is part of the Semitic set up as Christianity was created by people who were genuine biological Semites, but it doesn’t make me or any other Bajan a Semite; and I can tell you that Barbadian churches are and have always been thoroughly packed during religious services, which is much more than anyone can ever honestly say for white British churches of any allegedly Christian kind. What next, having Charles Windsor, Camilla, William, Kate or the rest of them labelling very genuine Christians who criticize them as being anti-Semitic because we don’t agree with their licentious and immoral conduct? Get a fucking life, idiots!
In closing, there’s a standard German joke: yes the Germans do have a sense of humour, that if these people are Semites then they actually went through one hell of a massive transformation when they were kicked out of the Middle East; leaving there either Black or Brown in biological complexion and ending up snow white as Caucasians in Europe. But anyone with a functioning brain and who knows how to use it knows full well that they’re not, were never or are ever likely to be biologically Semites. Moreover, we live in the world of DNA science, so prove it or shut up with your unwholesome crap! Criticizing a Palestinian or Falasha on their race is anti-Semitic because they are biologically Semites; yet the Falasha, who’re the world’s oldest Jewish sect are treated most appallingly in Israel. And by the way no other British politician has been subjected to as much racism and death threats as Diane Abbot. And what Diane wrote is by no means anti-Semitic or racist. Curious though that when real racists spout their venom at non-whites that’s acceptable because it’s freedom of speech and freedom of expression. And genuine sufferers of racism don’t need anyone to explain to them what racism is. Just the odiously toxic and make-believe ones. Have a great day!
#Greed #Hate