Author's Remarks:
"Who do you think they're going to believe, me a white person or you a Nigger? Sounds familiar to you entrenched members of a delusional master race? For it's the standard, well-worn, oft-used, totally unimaginative but all the same exceedingly successful ploy of not only hardcore but equally your everyday casual, white racist confronted with a situation where the logical facts and arguments are well stacked up against them and the only way out of the fatuously but totally egregious situation that they've wilfully caused is to blatantly and rather cowardly resort to this odious device of their racist kind; well aware that those to whom they're likely to make their jaundiced and evilly lying remarks to and who will obviously be the adjudicators of what they're saying are invariably going to be white like themselves: whether members of the supposedly forces of law and order, namely the police, CPS, magistrates, judges etc.; their employers or the white public generally.
I don't have to surmise whether Kate, Charles, William or whoever among that lot made those derogatorily odious remarks relative to Meghan's unborn baby, still a foetus in her womb, as I'm absolutely convinced, and bearing in mind the very proven racist constitution of the Windsor family, that those remarks were actually made and wouldn't have been considered out of place within that family across the board and by its equally racist all white staff; the ongoing consequence of Liz Windsor successfully canvassing the then UK government to permanently exclude not only herself and her entire family members but likewise their all white staff and similar recruitment processes from the 1965 Race Discrimination Act; a state of affairs that's still in place to this day. So the entire lot of them are categorically in my mind, fucking racists, personally as well as institutionally so; and what better for gold digger stalker Kate Middleton to reinforce her own entrenched racist credentials! While simultaneously trying to please her own deeply racist and likewise adulterous husband William, knowing how much he hates Meghan and has done from the onset of her relationship with Harry, by her sycophantically pleasing him, with his (William's) initial and obsessively by her stalked ardour for herself long cooled and even dissipated, as William routinely banged her erstwhile best friend and their neighbour. How spiffingly magnanimous these risibly, pathetically upper class cuckolded "men" - Andrew Parker Bowles and this other obvious one - are! And how curious and evilly hypocritical that while racially attacking then, the unborn child of Meghan that we now know as Archie, there has never been a word from Kate about her sprog Louis' dyslexia, which is artfully being covered up, or why Kate eagerly got pregnant and had a third child, the said Louis, after Iris - check out who she is and belongs to - was born!
In the meantime, a white female protestor very conscionably and peacefully carrying a sign during the recent pro-Palestinian solidarity marches, which says quite succinctly and accurately to the intelligent and obviously moral viewer: "Spot the difference: The mass killings and genocide in Gaza and the European holocaust" is vilified. For what she did, as far as all these bloody racist hypocrites are concerned, is treasonable. With the array of British media, the plethora of sick and toxically verminous Zionists and accompanying white racists, who most ironically quite avidly wanted these same supposedly "Jewish" people wiped out circa 1933-45, and obviously with the Daily Mail now conveniently on this hypocritical bandwagon, circa 2023, being foremost and staunchly among the former applauders of Das dritte Reich and its final solution, requisite to these overtly stated as Die Untermenschen, that it now hypocritically and conveniently, although not convincingly to intelligent minds, just those of the usually brainwashed and lowlife ones, seeks to portray itself as otherwise than what it really is at heart. Doesn't stop it though along with the rest of these Nazi hypocrites hounding this brave and highly moral lady fully cognizant of the facts, as the demand that everything from permanent imprisonment to the death penalty should be meted out to her, and that the police should make it their priority to apprehend her and bring her to "justice". However, when their own undoubtedly malevolent calls that the Palestinian People be completely exterminated is thrown back at them, quite unsurprisingly they angrily retort that their remarks are and should be categorized as freedom of speech, as well as freedom of expression. Why is no intelligent and sane person surprised by their response?
Apparently there are those who can keep on playing the eternal victims, when they are nothing of the kind, and quite literally be handsomely paid billions in the process for doing so. And all this to the exclusion of everyone else who were and still are the authentic victims; and let's not forget that it was Sephardic Jews that started the Transatlantic Slave Trade in my ancestral homeland of Barbados, and that the pogroms in Europe and also the European holocaust - not the first Holocaust ever carried out by whites, there were many more such global ones, including the one in what's now Namibia, then the Germany colony of Southwest Africa where over 80% of the indigenous population was wiped out as a precursor to what would happen by these said Germans, along with their Axis allies, just a few years later in Europe - were all white Caucasian doings and had bugger all to do with Blacks, other non-whites or, specifically in this case, the unwarranted usurpation of Palestine by these said European interlopers continuously to this day playing the victim card at the barbarous and genocidal expense of the Palestinian people! Well this mentally liberated Bajan/Briton doesn't support your stance; has never done so; and as long as Yid Zionist, K.K. Kate Middleton and her rather similarly likeminded mindset husband William, just like her a white supremacist along with the rest of Kate’s white in-laws, do persist with carrying on as the quite evidently hardcore racists that they irrefutably are, I can and will categorically state that my undeniably personal stance towards them and their ilk will indubitably and unilaterally remain the same; and no one with a functioning brain in their head shouldn't therefore be in the least surprised about that!
Indefatigably, the Windsor family is as racist as they come, and quite expectedly so; and all the hypocritical hype given them following that quite contrived media fiasco and lavishly inculcated by these vile and utterly sick entrenched racists, along with a surfeit of monarchical sycophantic serfs, was all to be expected once they were called out and publicly shown for what they really are. But frankly, what quite genuinely intelligent person who isn't a journalist or social commentator seriously cares? Bearing in mind that privately they always knew what the Windsors are, and are all about! So I suggest that you get hold of a decent dictionary and actually check out the true etymological origin and meaning of these two key words: feudal, as it very justly applies to the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor family, and likewise our governmental and even crucially the legal systems and societal framework of the UK; and when you've satisfactorily done so, do the same with the word serf, which very irrefutably applies to yourselves!
And truthfully question yourselves why it is that in spite of this being the 21st Century you lot still relish living in the Dark Ages. And with those set tasks then done, either try your limited best to attain a truly worthwhile life; or failing to achieve that preferably, basically top yourself! I'm sure that the Windsors won't miss you, as they don't even now know of, or care about you; other than using you very egregiously for their own distinctive aggrandizement and glaringly self-serving, self-entitlement. Isn't that undeniably so, Charles, Camilla, William, Kate et al?
#Hatred #Racism #SelfEntitlement