Author’s Remarks:
Let’s forget all the loathsome crap and disingenuous nonsense about a Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable for the next several millennia years as these brain dead jerks with their hidden agendas will have you believe; and if you want to believe that load of garbage then go ahead and do so. People like me, however, don’t buy it because the real agenda of this admixture of Tories, Labtories, so-called pundits that couldn’t plan their way out of a sodden paper bag, and the typical “liberal” Left who’re more rightwing, racist and xenophobic than the Nazi Tories themselves, is quite a sinister one.
And Yvette Cooper inadvertently let the cat out of the bag when she said that Jeremy Corbyn’s ambition is not to lead the Labour Party or even become Prime Minister but is in effect to change the Labour Party. Perfectly alright for Tony Blair, his sidekick Gordon Brown and the other Labtory interloping twerps to do what she’s complaining about but not genuine Labour Party members somehow. What Yvette Cooper quite conveniently forgot to say is this, so I’ll do it for her – Jeremy Corbyn will change the Labour Party and our country for THE BETTER!
#Corbyn #JeremyPolitics