By Stanley Collymore The obsession with Harry and Meghan is quite ridiculous and to the actual point of being fatuously obscene. How ma…
By Stanley Collymore Come! Let me hold you and with a great big hug ease the obvious hurt that you’re now feeling inside!
By Stanley Collymore You’ve shown real bravery Gina Martin, well done! And full credit to you for sticking to what
By Stanley Collymore Harry is going to England for a designated and well known about in advance, event. So it’s pretty asinine and baffles…
By Stanley Collymore Be a winner, by all means– but in winning don’t forget the losers without whom your win would never have
By Stanley Collymore I’ve tried all my life to be civil… everyone I meet, but alas with some people it just doesn’t work– and you, I’m
By Stanley Collymore You’re evidently efficient, praise… accommodatingly approachable; cons… process of all this, those delight… characteristics that additionally…
By Stanley Collymore More fawning monarchical bullshit from this prized pillock Rebecca English so clearly assiduously striving like fellow trollop Joan…
By Stanley Collymore Born in the USA and the holder of American citizenship; Boris essentially of white Turkish origin, is an immigr…
By Stanley Collymore Can you, if you don’t mind my aski… me what you seriously and honestly… love actually is? Or would you rat… sullen on this matter and instead…
By Stanley Collymore What a total waste of space; an absolute freak of nature; and quite supposedly a human element of Homo sapiens, this whol…
By Stanley Collymore Be very wary indeed of what you wi… with regard to others, especially… wish has a malevolent edge to it.… Fate with poetic justice and even…
By Stanley Collymore I’ve never heard anyone discuss an unborn baby, and distinctly and very essentially literally so, a foetus still in its mother’s…
By Stanley Collymore Rampant and appalling stupidity rather eagerly and egregiously aptly, pecuniarily furbishing itself vaingloriously and delusion…
By Stanley Collymore Why should I now, of all occasion… word you’re presently saying to me… entirety of this personal relation… been intimately engaged in you’ve…