
Simply rubbish! William protecting Harry? Truth is, he has all the Palace flunkies doing his dirty work for him!

By Stanley Collymore
Quite honestly, what really is
the genuine purpose of any,
and clearly, distinctively so,
specifically given their irrefutably
and well chronicled repugnantly
odious history, this undeniably
incumbent British and equally
also the several others, come
to that monarchical families
Hasn’t human civilization not
truly progressed sufficiently,
and totally, sensibly enough
to fully realize that this type
of institution is naturally no
longer requisite, or actually
required and consequently
is unquestionably basically
ethically indefensible, plus
repulsively wrong, for just
one family, to obsessively
and puerilely delusionally
believe they’re effectively
undoubtedly superior, to
everyone else therefore!
And consequently they
automatically deserve
to be lavishly looked
after, likewise quite routinely
fawned over, and moreover
be liberally ensconced too
in totally obscene luxury,
undeniably through the
safe, fiscal capabilities
of its serf like society!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
14 December 2022.

Author's Remarks:
Harry and Meghan are significantly and quite irrefutably right, in their analysis of this Windsor family, as here's how the system works.

The Windsors literally, handsomely pay and then tell the media what to write and in return the media in full subservience to their obviously believed monarchical superiors tell Britain's undoubtedly intellectually challenged, gullible, very obviously brainwashed and so irredeemably also braindead subjects, that they evidently like to see themselves as, never citizens - keen, and fervently so, serfs every one of them literally to a man, woman and even rather ridiculously a child, how they truly ought to think and additionally too who to hate and utterly despise.

Intelligent, and capable of logically thinking for themselves folk, sadly of whom there's a manifest dearth in Britain and clearly acceleratedly diminishing into a visible minority across the country have obviously known this for some considerable time.

Even Winston Churchill the clearly endemically inured eugenicist did want to compulsorily sterilize and therefore exterminate this odious, noxiously vile and toxic scum that quite verminously to this very day still infest Britain! And discernibly the past weeks have distinctively confirmed conscious and likewise conscionable minded deductions on this matter.

And routine racist, xenophobic, as well as hate instilling headlines in right-wing and Nazi rags evidently like the Daily Mail, Telegraph, the Express and rather unremittingly likewise from Rupert Murdoch's own stable serve to categorically drive home their sickeningly vile agenda with a vengeance!

And unequivocally confirms once again my intrinsically, thoroughly evaluated, longstandingly and very genuinely held point of view that these people, who inescapable are effectively nothing more than truly the lowest presumed specimens of Homo sapiens yet rather asininely do perceive themselves as the true epitome of humanity and literally therefore constitute the fulcrum of their deeply ingrained and likewise fatuously delusional notion of true and supposedly Master Race that's intrinsically commensurate with a, non-perceived by them, essentially dubious white supremacy.

People who are evidently the very dregs of society that fervently have declared Winston Churchill who so intensely loathed them as actually the greatest ever Englishman, this notwithstanding of course his own and irrefutably, distinctly obvious American origin.

But obeisance although evidently quite distinctly intense in respect of Winston Churchill whose huge contempt of them was not in the least cloaked by him, was all the same unmistakably significantly
stratospherically in a realm clearly fittingly of its own undoubtedly, where the actual Windsor mafia family is concerned!

Fatuously inbred and brownnosing fawners who constitute the clearly absolute and rather quintessential element of what genuinely is vilely, odiously, and toxically verminous, contrived superiority is all about!


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