
Truly, devotedly and committedly yours Barbados. And Happy 51st Independence Birthday!

By Stanley Collymore
Fifty-one years ago, precisely on the 30th November 1966
Barbados acquired its independence and in accordance
with that decisive declaration became a sovereign
and independent country amongst the several
other nations not merely in the Caribbean
region but also the broader global community. A notable
and auspicious occasion as well as a political process
that having duly attainted maximum fruition over
a period of two hundred and thirty-nine years
of formerly English and subsequently after
the latter’s political amalgamation with
the Scottish to inaugurate the United
Kingdom, full British observation.
And I’ve specifically used the term observation, and
preferably consciously so, since from its august
inception, both in terms of colonization and
its earliest settlement by the English in
1627 Barbados was in management
terms an entirely self-governing
entity with its very own island-based and domestically
controlled parliament whose effective achievement
was realized in 1639, and which ever since that
time has continuously and abidingly been the
commendably democratic beacon that has
luminously, unyieldingly and stalwartly
gleamed over this Eastern Caribbean
island during the preceding years,
making it, following the House
of Commons in Westminster,
London the second oldest
worldwide, political and
founded nation-driven
self-ruled legislature.
So to our plethora of laudable Barbadian legislators
who over the years– past, present and naturally as
well aspiring ones– I sincerely, together with
our closely-knit nation of Bajans at home
and correspondingly across our much
broader global Diaspora say thanks
to all of you for everything that
you’ve amazingly undertaken and also practicably done,
and in the complete and encouraging knowledge that
in the case, I know, of our gifted, committed and
forthcoming Barbadian citizens and in tandem
with those who are as yet unborn, that all of
you will generously, confidently and with
accomplished pride in yourselves, and
similarly our nation, carry on doing,
as your dauntless forbearers have
commendably done, everything
that you possibly can for our
charming, tropically idyllic
and Beautiful Barbados;
as well as our intensely
blessed, enormously
religious, diligent,
harmonious and
utterly exciting
Bajan and, of
course, our
Stanley V. Collymore
29 November 2017.

Author’s Remarks:
There are some things that instinctively, significantly and wholeheartedly impact on one’s entire consciousness and general wellbeing in such a thoroughly welcoming and superbly inspirational fashion that words, however gifted that one is with them, are insufficient by themselves to fully express the amazing sensations, both physically and emotionally, that these pleasurable realizations cause in the first place and accordingly enduringly carry on doing so in the most delightful manner.

And the effect that my ancestral homeland, Barbados throughout all of my life has had, does and will forever, and in the most positive manner, continue to do so is for me an indisputable fact of life and furthermore one which I’m most grateful is irrefutably unchangeable in every conceivable way.

For this tropical paradise: the most easterly of all the Caribbean Islands vigorously washed on its northern and eastern coastlines by the expansive and impressive Atlantic Ocean and on its southern and western shores by the tranquil waters of the Caribbean Sea definitely means the world to me, as do the people, my maternal and paternal families and many friends included, who inhabit it; our national global Diaspora of Bajans, as well as our highly prized collection of blessed elders and ancestors who sacrificed so much for us and accordingly have enabled subsequent generations of Barbadians to be who we uniquely are.

And so on this the 51st Anniversary of Barbados’ official Independence Day – 30 November 2017 – I unreservedly thank this exceedingly special island, its people, successive democratic governments that administered them, my church, the schools there and especially the ones I fortunately attended - Belleplaine Boys’ School and the historic Alleyne Grammar School – Bajan society general, my several adult mentors and my Barbadian relatives particularly for setting in train the important groundwork as well as assisting me in every altruistic way that you could in becoming the person and immensely proud Bajan that I am.

And to all those who have over the years passed on into the after-life, from me I want you to know as I’m sure you still keep an eye on our blessed homeland that you’ll never be forgotten in any shape or form; precious to me in life and continuingly so in death!

So multiple and deep-seated thanks from me, one of your grateful native sons, and Happy 51st Birthday Barbados. And to all my fellow at home or wherever you are in the world enjoy the occasion and God Bless you all as I extend to each and every one of you my profoundest and enduring love.


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