
Simply and endearingly Gabriella

By Stanley Collymore
Most people obligatorily endeavour to properly show
some kind of common courtesy to the string of
customers whom customarily in the course
of their working day they’re routinely
serving, and this irrespective of the
business environment in which they’re either
enjoyably or otherwise personally involved in. Always
doing so from a strictly financial and self-servingly
induced incentive or just as equally likewise a
simply bored out of their discernibly tiny
and non-creative minds a stagnant arrogance
of deeply ingrained public disinterest that
has accumulatively enveloped them;
and all this engaged in as is often
the case, from the widespread
outcome of the compulsory
requests of those who’re
actually in charge of these businesses,
and accordingly derived from the
peculiar interests, misshapen
analysis and the dullard’s
supposition that such
actions supposedly
make satisfactory
economic sense.
However, with you Gabriella there’s transparently not
a scintilla of any such selfishness in the approach to
whatever it is that you’re cheerfully doing. And
consequently to the myriad of well-satisfied
customers and chance onlookers alike who affably discern
your impeccable service this is a most impressive and
thoroughly refreshing sight to see. And that rather
personally and unsurprisingly for me, in your
recognized situation, stems significantly,
undeniably and overtly self-evidently
Gabriella from the fact that you’re
a genuinely outstanding, visibly
caring and a truly remarkable
individual and human being
© Stanley V. Collymore
16 September 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
Liking someone is never an involuntary act, because human nature is such that it’s virtually impossible to do so compulsorily however much one might self-interestedly or otherwise attempt or wish to do so.

However, instinctively and truthfully liking someone or else naturally induced to do so because of that person’s intrinsically appealing behaviour and inspirationally attractive bodily chemistry is a wholly different as well as a highly personalized and informative matter altogether.

And, therefore, thankfully for all those who either in the course of their average day or else socially and fortunately come across you Gabriella, I’m absolutely positive, judging from my own congenial recollections, that it’s also a particularly wonderful experience for them to both savour and permanently treasure.


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