
Proud of yourselves Brexiteers? Prime idiots!

By Stanley Collymore
A lot of people in their 60s, 70s
and 80s are effectively letting
their general ailments really
get a lot worse by not wanting to be a
burden because very obviously many
doctors can’t, or just won’t see them
in a responsible time, if significantly,
at all. Frankly, the very current NHS
system overall with markedly a few
notable, and obvious outstandingly
commendable exceptions, like the
East Surrey Hospital and crucially
it’s A & E Department, discernibly,
aren’t fit for purpose and likewise
too, phenomenal numbers of GP
surgeries. As sadly, bureaucracy
and politics have both purposely
and rather odiously, egregiously
and clearly self-servingly ruined
the once naturally, undoubtedly
excellent and outstandingly too
British National Health Service.
Quite plainly, successively UK
governments have had one
goal only where the NHS
is concerned; and that is to basically
deliberately let it fail. For essentially
this vile Cabal of wasters, callously
and most avariciously clearly want
the identical system as pertains in
the USA to effectively be installed
and also universally implanted, in
Britain; where all these obviously
grasping clandestinely, but really
discernibly financially avaricious
politicians will individually stand
to basically make millions in the
financial markets, effectually at
the dear expense of the British
public if and rather likely when,
the British NHS does evidently
become undeniably privatized.
And so, these disingenuous, and
utterly dishonest bastards and
bitches that you persistently
and idiotically send to Westminster
and literally thus have sitting in the
House of Commons, as your local,
chosen MPs will very intentionally
make things so bad that even you
their dozy pillocks, more like than
not, obviously out of desperation,
will eventually vote for the NHS’s
privitization! Quite idiotic Britain!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
7 March 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Neither the Russians, the Chinese nor the North Koreans essentially need to nuke Britain and turn it into a veritable wasteland as doing so would obviously, on their part be an overkill really and basically also an absolute waste of costly thermonuclear ammunition in the present circumstances, even though ridding the world and decent humanity of the surfeit of toxically verminous scum that infest Britain would be quite plausible and likewise a commendable action and good thing.

But self-evidently the white Karens: pre and post-menopausal slappers, dimwittedly in tandem with their likeminded azoospermiac and routinely cuckolded Gammons ably assisted by these Karens multiple bastard offspring are themselves doing an excellent job of propitiously causing Britain to self-implode!

#Greed #Hypocrisy

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