Author's Remarks:
Why should intelligent persons and who're wholly capable of evidently thinking for themselves believe the rightwing and Nazi media likewise too the likes of toxically verminous scum like you Rebecca English and Sarah Vine any more than your lot, financially, racially and desperately seeking unwarranted relevance as you're so distinctively piss poor at what you're evidently doing, really don't discernibly want to truthfully believe Harry and quite specifically so Meghan distinctly because your endemic racism is so irredeemably acute and deeply ingrained!
Supposedly in your fucking stupidity Rebecca English obvious poison from the Palace is impossible to an acutely, distinctly entrenched, social climbing moron and unthinkingly like yourself monarchically fawning and similarly white Karen, racist asshole!
Purportedly media like the Daily Mail rag that you Rebecca English and also Sarah Vine work for, regularly report their sick and also twisted allegations about Meghan and Harry by claiming every time that "palace sources claim or state" whatever their racist story is literally about; now you a prized cunt Rebecca English, are now ludicrously openly claiming because you literally stupidly and undoubtedly think that everyone is as basically braindead as your blatantly controlled, so gullible as well as all those discernibly short attention span mother fucking trolls that the Daily Mail controls and both it and evil pillocks, like you Rebecca English and the other supposedly so "journalistic" equivalent of financial whores do lavishly profit from, will ourselves likewise fall in line. Not on your fucking nelly Rebecca English! For either your multiple original and repeatedly ongoing, storylines about Palace sources are distinctively true Rebecca English or you odious cunts are actually making up these stories of yours, about Meghan and Harry! Clearly, to all but the intellectually challenged, it can't be both. Now go and earnestly fuck off you distinctly pathetic prats!