
Love at first sight can be rather overrated but this one isn’t!

By Stanley Collymore
I’m small enough to genuinely care yet big enough to
appropriately cope; but neither the intensity nor the
immense nature of the love that I intensely feel
for you is in any way formed on speculation,
wishful thinking or the desperation of forlorn
hope but rather on the solid foundation of
truthfully knowing that I’ve found in you
my soul mate: someone who I know I
can cherish, esteem, share my confidences with
and noticeably ardently and abidingly love.
And that’s precisely how I want it to be
as I’m most confident you do too. So
let’s celebrate this fortuitous and
precious meeting between us
as we warmly welcome the
onset of our new romance
while jointly essentially
doing everything that
we positively can to
make absolutely
certain it has
a fighting
© Stanley V. Collymore
4 August 2016.

Author’s Comments:
Amidst all the political turmoil and controversies there are in Britain, the death, destruction and mayhem that currently seems to envelop the world and sickeningly so is premeditatedly undertaken, thankfully one thing remains constant for all sane people that is, and it’s love.

And I’ve no doubt in my mind that when the mass murderers, warmongers, perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity, the obsessively avaricious and the other lowlife scum that both infest and infect this earth that we’re obliged to share with them have all gone love will still persist as a beacon of sanity for those who are fortunate to remain.

And so this poem is for all those who still have faith and confidence in the ability of love to be the healing balm for the wrongdoing inflicted on humanity by the evil morons who currently seem to control our planet; as well as being a bulwark against even worst atrocities that these loathsome reprobates, if given half a chance, would further mete out to the rest of humanity.


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