
Ostentatious perceptions vaingloriously masquerading as genuine affection!

By Stanley Collymore
Affection, for another person,
whether it’s clearly mutually
reciprocated or not, is and
should distinctively remain a personal
emotion which, naturally discreetly, is
effectively, literally engaged in by the
individual, who essentially initiates it
and therefore quite clearly, earnestly
expects to simply benefit from what
they’re doing, by literally impressing
and ultimately too, winning over the
person whom distinctly they clearly
are undoubtedly rather professedly
emotionally, plausibly interested in.
But all the same realistically, under
any circumstances, do I truly think
these professed personal feelings
and attendant too unquestionably
prevalent, clear expectations ever
to be actually deliberately utilized
as a distinctive, naturally relevant
mechanism to narcissistically try
then to evidently impress others!
People who are neither personally
involved; basically don’t actually
wish to be; nor rather honestly
quite frankly couldn’t care less really
about what this quite preposterous
perpetrator is most ostentatiously
doing. As really, in all practicality,
anybody literally that essentially
very fastidiously has to embark
on such a weak proposition as
this one, crucially to attain the
required plaudits, that headily
they’re simply, ostentatiously
trying to attract, isn’t actually
so in love as they purport to
be; but, in reality, are simply
fatuously, very self-centred
and discernibly, manifestly
insecure morons primarily
in a category of their own.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
6 April 2023.

Author's Remarks:
No one other than absolute saddos really consciously begrudge anyone who either genuinely believes that he or she, actually in reality, is literally about to, or has rather effectively essentially fallen in love and as such is quite pleased about either of these two developments and consequently does wish to share their joy with distinctly close friends as well as family members. All this, of course, provided that there are no legal or ethical barriers to this development and the person, who is emotionally targeted is quite evidently so in agreement to what is going on.

However, even clearly with the conditions for falling in love crucially beneficial and, as well, effectively devoid of all restrictive impedimentd there are truly, nevertheless, occasions when the actions of the person claiming to be in love, are so obnoxiously self-serving and similarly too egregiously malevolent that no undoubtedly genuinely sane and ethical person, can do anything else but to condemn and dismiss all such proclamations of true and unquestionably unvarnished love literally by the individual involved as deeply ingrained vanity of the most categorically horrible kind and bears no relationship whatever to what true love is really all about!

And as such this poem is distinctly on the side, and most unequivocally so, of really what true and an ethical stance in respect of it is all about. Where do you stand?


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