
Always something to be terrified of. That’s how western leaders and their fawning MSM like it!

By Stanley Collymore
Absolutely sickening how old
white men and their trollop
Karens, who’re so keen on
wars and are quite happy to send
discernibly gullible and crucially
invariably literally intellectually
challenged basically young men
to their usual, inevitable deaths
clearly in support, of their own
odiously evil egotistical causes,
rather asininely never seem to
genuinely consider, doing any
of this evilly, and significantly
barbaric fighting, themselves.
But why would they want to
when these same arrogant,
rather self-centred; totally
self-servingly, self-inflated, clearly
delusionally demented and evilly
self-evidently, obviously likewise
cowardly purported patriots are
all essentially, deliriously happy
to fittingly rather ostentatiously
proudly protect their treasured
countries and medieval realms
like Britain evidently always to
the last drop of someone else’s
blood, but understandably too
significantly never their own!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
8 November 2022.

Author's Remarks:
It's really quite impressive what China has done with all these reefs and islands in its territorial waters, so much and likewise highly impressive; all having occurred in such a short space of time.

Whilst distinctly in marked contrast, for instance, always warmongering Britain struggles desperately to fill a few pot holes in its increasingly crumbling roads. And this is the quite delusional has been entity that wants to pick a fight with China. Says it all really!


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