
Yet more deceptive benefits of British privatisation! Literally, the fatuous Brexit solution!

By Stanley Collymore
My unequivocal remedy to this
abusive and most egregious
travesty and skulduggery?
Promptly get everyone of these bloody
CEO’s and directors, crucially involved
with these rogue and privatised water
companies, promptly, and undeniably
unceremoniously, quite appropriately
in court; find them guilty as very they
evidently are of the quite malevolent
crimes they’ve evilly committed and
crucially imprison them, indefinitely!
For essentially the decent elements
in our society are, rather thoroughly
fed up with all of those people who
own, and unquestionably run these
giant companies, being wholly and
distinctly criminally, unaccountable
to anyone while they very brazenly
clearly award themselves massive
bonuses from what are essentially
failing companies. And if the Post
Office scandal has fittingly taught
the obviously intelligent elements
of the British public anything vital
of relevant significance, it’s surely
that basically undeniably criminal
businessmen and women should
be, and I’d quite aptly additionally
add, essentially and categorically
simply automatically prosecuted.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 January 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Southern Water the company that is rather unsurprisingly involved in this current and openly exposed debacle is actually owned by the same Australian venture capitalists who previously, owned Thames Water. An undoubtedly uncaring rogue outfit odious asset strippers literally effectively buying companies and businesses with enormous loans, loading them with debt and pocketing the profits!

Perfectly legal now this skulduggery since Britain left the EU to pump sewage into the sea around the UK and rather obviously as well into Britain's inland waterways, lakes and the like. Rather ironic really, as clearly isn't this what you demented and distinctly gullible assholes voted for when you quite stupidly, hook line and sinker, undoubtedly and distinctively actually swallowed those blatant lies obviously, from the discernibly odious likes of Boris, Farage, the Daily Mail and the bloody rest of them; the same vile prats you ludicrously and pathetically very dimwittedly, crucially and gullibly put up in your rank stupidity on pedestals and rather asininely still have them there? So why are you miserable gits of all people now really complaining, and why should undoubtedly not affected, as well as infected, persons give a shit about you and the egregiously induced contamination you're now basically unquestionably personally subjected to simply along with your children and other family members?

Meanwhile the members of the regulatory body OFWAT will do bugger all and simply don't give a shit, as these quite nepotistic and also cronyism cunts aren't interested, the least bit in you or having these criminal cowboys prosecuted. For their only and as well main concerns are to retain their absolute sinecure "jobs", salivate over the prospect of future directorships for themselves and effectively secure their expected gongs!

Welcome therefore to your own panacea of Brexit Britain! Lol!


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