
No difference basically from: They all look the same to me, remark!

By Stanley Collymore
That Tory MP Chris Philip doesn’t
actually know that Rwanda and
the Congo are essentially two
different countries despite him being a
rather senior minister very specifically
in the obviously current Conservative
administration; mirrors the distinctly
same obvious ignorance, and rather
simply literally, unquestionably and
vile, contemptuous attitudes of his
kind generally across white British
society towards Black people as a
rule and similarly those, who have
the nerve, to essentially challenge
them about their gross ignorance
and acute racism. Invariably alas,
a situation which rather routinely
in the offender’s, very customary
and literally entrenched, state of
denial is usually then reinforced
by this jibe: What’s the big deal?
Then have the bold effrontery to
accuse the complainant of
playing the race card.
So realistically, confronted with these
discernibly and obviously, essentially
rather commonplace state of affairs,
why precisely should those, who are
effectively quite higher up the racist
chain of command very specifically
know or acquaint themselves really
with anything, that’s simply, literally
outside their basically specific, but
discernibly significantly delusional
all the same, undoubtedly crucially
perceived master race world– with
scant reference if any at all simply
tagged, and quite patronizingly so
to the bizarre and euphemistically
described as, the Dark Continent?
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
What we have, essentially, with the likes of Chris Philip are career politicians put in charge really of major public sectors and services that very evidently are out of touch with reality. People essentially put in positions of undeniably massive responsibility but with clearly distinctly no idea of what they're doing!

Sensibly, all politicians and specifically those literally in charge of government ministries or departments realistically should be clearly obligated in having a major qualification or obviously rather provable experience in whatever major position they hold; and prior to actually doing so be interviewed for that actual role, just as is routinely done to literally nearly everyone else in the country who applies for a job or is very obviously put forward for one.


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