Author's Remarks:
Put rather bluntly and unequivocally from me neither Kate nor Charles has cancer or anything that's even remotely to it. It's all a barefacedly contrived, manipulated and, as well, a cynically exploitative lie.
What's really wrong from their sick, no pun intended, and very self-entitled perspective is that rather obviously to those who aren't sycophantic serfs and gullible morons, the distinctly, quite simply very literally fraught marriage distinctively between William and Kate is fundamentally over. In undoubtedly Germanic terms, bearing in mind their very Germanic family roots, Kaput! A distinctly, quite defunct marriage in all regards other than there is no formal divorce that rather evidently William wants, Kate obviously is not the least bit keen on, and specifically so all the stalking enterprise she not only engineered but quite assiduously simply enthusiastically got involved in.
With his worryingly Jimmy Savile -esque interest in Kate, the alleged daughter he never had and asininely harangued Diana for not producing him with, as if he Charles didn't have anything whatsoever to do with his own wife's conception; Charles doesn't want a divorce between William and Kate. Hence the cancer, clearly bullshit narrative and basically vile, odious, wilfully, blatantly lying deceptions by himself and obviously his distinctly favourite surrogate daughter cum daughter in law.
Jointly on the discernible part of Kate and Charles along with those in this distinctly odious deception, like their buddies in the MSM and the usual surrogates who we all know of, to milk public sympathy, for all, it is worth; and ostensibly to put pressure on William not to ditch, this undoubtedly third choice of a wife: two other candidates he'd proposed to did turn him down, and clearly remain with Kate. Charles however, for his part, having waited so long to be monarch, has no intention of abdicating in favour of William as Margrethe of Denmark did, so that her aggrieved daughter in law would not leave her adulterously cheating spouse as she very happily settled for being queen herself.
Rather interestingly in all of this the clearly identical morons who were unquestionably very unflattering about Kate along with the MSM, remember the Waite Katie tag and much more who literally after the arrival of Meghan, suddenly became aficionados of this woman purely, whether they choose to deny it or not, because she's white and not an African American despoiling their rather unique monarchy with her basically inferior presence; circa Liz Jones of the Daily Mail for example among countless others.
I shan't be labour these issues as my open views are well known nor am I effectively going to play your silly games either and gratuitously bring Meghan, Harry or their children into this for the kind of fatuously indulged in idiotic and childish games that your sort love to play; coupled obviously with your pathetic obsession with Meghan which even shows itself transparently, in your pathetically poor English, even when the article in question has quite absolutely nothing to do with Meghan!
But what does have me in stitches of very refreshing laughter is knowing, that all of those from the Desperate Four of Charles, Camilla, William and Kate herself who've done their level best to destroy Harry and Meghan's marriage and are still effectively desperately doing their very best to simply achieve that goal, together quite obviously with their MSM chums, and actually failing quite pathetically in their sick endeavours, are now literally confronted with the rather undeniably, discernibly unflattering task of having to break the news that St. Kate has lost her allure and Phillip Schofield-esque William isn't interested anymore! Lol!
And how curiously interesting that all of these MSM body language experts who are always pontificating about Harry and Meghan's supposedly distinctly troubled relationship and how their marriage isn't going to last - because that's what they want obviously and have done from the very actual outset of Harry and Meghan's wedding - can't detect that William hasn't the slightest bloody physical or emotional interest any longer in Kate. Could this be down to the quite discernible fact these so-called experts are either Queers, Dykes or paedophiles who’ve quite obviously not got the foggiest concept of what a loving and natural heterosexual relationship, as per that of Harry and Meghan, is really all about?
Therefore, their rather biased assumptions are based wholly entirely on their own very perverted relationships!
Detailed researchers like myself know very well who, among those in the Windsor own family, are strictly heterosexual even if very adulterously so with it; who are effectively outright Queers and Dykes; and those that bat both ways. So don't any of you attempt to actually try and literally kid me with your rather pathetic bullshit! As this entire sick scenario is like an exact page out of Hans Christian Andersen's: The Emperor's New Clothes. In this case the bulk of the British public falling for this contrived and wholly pathetic crap! And essentially morons who actually in very close tandem with these intellectually challenged serf cretins distinctively do believe that if you say something often enough regardless of how idiotic and untruthful it is, that by doing so it simply makes it the truth! And these are the very people that effectively basically consider themselves the absolute epitome of the humid master race! Dream on!
#Hatred #Retribution