
Life’s not exclusively about your vile sort of Americans Mark Cole, you narcissistic prat!

By Stanley Collymore
What’s going on in the Ukraine
isn’t a Cuban Crisis Mark 2,
but totally and obviously
undoubtedly a puppet USA installed
and controlled regime, purely in situ
to literally, antagonistically infuriate
Russia and install a NATO pawn on
its doorstep. Equally there oughtn’t
essentially, and quite logically also,
to be any USA military bases really
installed in the UK either, distinctly
with or essentially without nuclear
weapons implanted in them, since
reciprocally there are categorically
no UK bases in the USA; reference
the USA’s own demands politically
and distinctly constitutionally that
specifically forbid any such bases
even precisely, those belonging to
countries that unquestionably are
friendly to, and allies obviously of
the USA from simply establishing
their bases similarly, on USA soil!
And furthermore, essentially
considering, that Britain
massively and quite
ill-affordably paid through the nose
to the USA for its evidently, belated
support in World War II, and simply
because of the actually weak state
of Britain’s undoubtedly essentially
post-war economy was, effectively
coercively, very evidently obligated
to pay off that debt in gold; literally
one, which unquestionably carried
on incessantly, and didn’t end until
distinctly well into the onset of the
21st Century; what the Hell then is
our UK government, manifestly so,
playing at, and simply significantly
and basically clearly with no trade
deals in the pipeline with the USA,
obviously after the pathetic Brexit
illusion, rather incredulously doing
in very sycophantically permitting
the USA to distinctly do, whatever
its hubris determines, on UK soil?
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
7 September 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Realistically, if Britain were to obviously and similarly unquestionably effectively celebrate the actual Independence Day of each of its former colonies evidently there clearly, wouldn't be any free days left; so that's truly a proposition, which logically isn't at all feasible!

However, very intelligent Britons, clearly like myself and who aren't undoubtedly, exclusively, totally pathetically steeped in Britishness of the racist and likewise colonialist mind-set kind and moreover are fully cognizant also of their evident and decidedly likeminded kin kind, that for their part, simply rather abominably have quite unquestionably infested the earlier American colonies and likewise afterwards a crucially established USA for in excess of 247 years, in their very obviously, distinctly ingrained stupidly: these current day ones, simply haven't cottoned on to the realization that folk like me very passionately do celebrate Thanksgiving quite relative to the USA, but preferably choose to do so and for irrefutably obvious and clearly relieved reasons on the 4th July each year! Get where exactly I'm undoubtedly coming from Mark Cole: a basically stupid and ridiculously too complaining American ironically, voluntarily living in Scotland!

The USA operates a global network of military bases and institutions, and is by far the largest operator of military bases in the world. The USA is also very complicit in collaborating with oppressive regimes and anti-democratic governments worldwide in order to secure facilities for some of its military base; and from Central America to Africa and onwards to Asia and the Middle East, these ongoing practices readily come to mind. Most inhumanly among these is the USA’s military base on Tierra del Fuego, where in the 1960s the entire indigenous population of the Chagos Islands, and of which Tierra del Fuego is the principal island in this archipelago of islands, was brutally and ethnically cleansed from their homeland in complete cooperation with the then British and subsequent UK regimes in order to facilitate this military base on that aforementioned island.

The Chagossians then and their descendants subsequently who meanwhile were unceremoniously dumped penniless in Mauritius while their livestock of animals and even their dogs were callously and universally slaughtered, are still in 2023 barred from setting foot on any of their homeland islands which they universally and legally challenged and have ongoingly campaigned against, with even the International Court in the Hague ruling that they have every legal right to be able to return to their indigenous homeland; a ruling that bully boys the USA and Britain have consistently and arrogantly ignored. Nevertheless, banned from their homeland these Chagossians are forced to observe as well as insultingly know that as stateless people themselves, they are forcibly obliged to see and additionally helplessly know that their homeland is none the less wantonly and commercially employed for the pleasurable use of exclusively rich, white yacht owners and their equally white affluent customers and financial playmates, who use these islands and even these Chagossians former and forcibly abandoned homes, from which they themselves are callously barred for their own gratuitous purposes.

In respect of personal relationships and how, or otherwise not, these are regarded and valued by those concerned, no sensibly intelligent person however much value they attach to such companionships, if they have any genuine respect for themselves, voluntary and exultantly knowingly push their own head up the literal or proverbial rectum of another individual because they perceive it’s expected of them; and the same principle, from my perspective, equally applies to international societal and political relationships.

So celebrate the USA and what you personally or as part of another nation believe should be rightfully accorded to it and its people; but in doing so don’t delusionally overlook or even pretend that the utterly unmitigated and totally barbarous atrocities like the conspicuous and wilful eradication of indigenous Americans; the routine theft of their land and the still ongoing abrogation of treaties signed with them; African slavery; Jim Crowism; the KKK, Racial Segregation and the other barbaric atrocities committed against racially perceived inferior non-white peoples didn’t actually happen. Or even more insultingly if these are reluctantly admitted use the common white crap explanation that that is the past, the past can’t be altered and the victims should and must move on, or even that lessons will be learnt, but never are. States of affairs that in many regards are still ongoing in this the 21st Century! And both sensibly and intelligently aren’t undoubtedly aspects of life to most conveniently overlook or pretend most delusionally that they didn’t happen, when exaggeratedly and conceitedly bigots like Mark Cole praiseworthily and exultantly laud all things American! And honestly from me that is much more than just a necessary suggestion!

#Hypocrisy #Stupidity

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