
Many people get, have and actually keep voices that they simply didn’t earn!

By Stanley Collymore
There are significant numbers of
people who love labels that
do excuse them of their
personal responsibilities. So am I then
the only one, who really finds it utterly
disturbing that an obviously arrogant
and significantly, simply narcissistic,
self-confessed, and quite proud of it
sociopath, Patric Gagne is distinctly
able and unencumbered to practise
as a psychologist? This beautifying
of violence, and bad behaviour isn’t
by any logical means, an intelligent
precept whatsoever; outside a very
thoroughly twisted imagination! So
stop making sociopathy allowable.
In the meantime those who’re truly
sociopaths should unquestionably
be openly called out, for what they
really are; likewise conducive with
their truly undeniably, distinctively
and crucially distinctly insensitive
also thoroughly manipulative and
destructive behaviour– instead of
being fatuously beguiled by them.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
6 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Sociopaths and psychopaths evidently effectively rule the world, and basically most essentially the distinctively white Western one! And as such these people are rather predominantly to be found in professions like law, similarly other very powerful and quite influential positions; and specifically also, in politics and the attendant higher offices unquestionably attainable in parliament and essentially within governments.

The sorts of people who biasedly rather preferentially and distinctly subjectively reward fellow sociopaths while actually punishing their victims. And nowhere is this more emphasized and widespread than in so-called family courts!

#Greed #Hypocrisy #SelfEntitlemenyt

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