By Stanley Collymore
Typical, and not the least bit surprising to me, that this fucking Yid and menopausal Dyke while quite happy to rather noxiously, malevolently and simply characteristically, most egregiously vent her deeply ingrained racism at Meghan Markle for simply being Black and in Jan Moir’s obviously sick and twisted mind, having the sheer temerity to pollute the British so-called royal family by marrying into it; an almost unquestionably equal amount of venom similarly directed at Harry for so traitorously having fallen in love with Meghan and reciprocally the pair of them quite resolutely deciding to marry, and, like any normal loving married couple, have a family of their own; this essentially, and undoubtedly thoroughly pathetic Dyke and Yid cunt– don’t these effectively prime assholes ever learn or have the capacity to do so and accordingly positively curb their overall odious conduct which caused them multiple pogroms over the centuries at the very hands of their plainly obviously simply far more intelligent kind, and also similarly in a sense partially, and unequivocally very regrettably, actually only did climax in their near rather than their full extinction during the European holocaust, that manifestly as well as discernibly unequivocally had Adolf Hitler sensibly and logically listened to his more prescient minded advisors, crucially and most beneficially to human kind none of these noxious, and toxically verminous assholes like Jan Moir, clearly undoubtedly and distinctly, literally self-evidently, would never have regrettably been born or simply actually here to, fucking well, continuously contaminate humanity and specifically the UK with her vile presence. What a basically discernibly, terrible loss for such beneficial and productive institutions like Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belsen-Bergen, Dachau and also others! Granted that at 65 years now Jan Moir wouldn’t have been born, but the vile pillocks that conceived her, assuming that through DNA checks that she realistically, actually knows who they are, she de facto wouldn’t have been here either, with those that spawned her, sumptuously and quite manifestly providing fuel for these clearly vital extermination institutions. But, most unfortunately they seemingly weren’t and found safety in Britain, evidently a country that obviously they previously contributed nothing whatsoever, like most of their vile kind, to; let alone, simply had any close or meaningful contact with, but all the same still hightailed their pathetic asses here!
And while consistently vitriolically and as well pathetically castigating Meghan and Harry using her cancerous speculations to do no, never facts; Jan Moir, like her rather evil and odious kind, has obviously gone to considerably great lengths to clearly make absolutely sure that personal information, and even mundane stuff, relating to her is blocked on Wikipedia and effectively other informational outlets. Don’t take my word for it, check it out yourself if you certainly have an open and quite objective mind, but if you’re like Jan Moir you obviously won’t do so. The sort of conduct of totally, rather obtuse and kiss me ass cowards; who can all dish it out, and invariably stuff that’s so obviously made up in their quite fatuously sick minds, but crave their “privacy”, and all because the shit they’re dispensing is in reality a mirror image of themselves and the absolutely pathetic and make-believe lives that they lead, and why their sort like you are so keen to jump on very scurrilous bandwagons to gain the much needed and self-evidently obsessive attention seeking they so desperately desire! Unlike Jan Moir however, I’m a bona fide journalist and as such only work with longstanding and too reliably trusted sources. I’m also and have been an Academic for generations, and as an English specialist have an exemplary command of the English Language, which though my first language is not the only language I speak. And I do biologically as well as categorically know who I am!
Jan Moir’s Daily Mail columns consistently revolve around the same topics with Harry but specifically Meghan quite obsessively occupying a permanent space in her very fucking demented, white Karen and clearly distinctly racist thoughts. And in evidently normal circumstances, it would be simply most surprising that she would be earning a salary for literally actually producing the same unimpressive content. That said, it is after all the Daily Mail which she works for. So it’s spot on, but essentially distinctively most ironical, actually bearing in mind that Jan Moir is a Yid and considering how very proactive this still delusional Nazi rag, the Daily Mail is, but very unquestionably really was during the era of the Third Reich plus the European holocaust – simply check this out for yourself – that someone of actually unquestionably Yid ancestry would be as committedly racist simply on behalf of a media rag that wanted her lot undeniably exterminated from the face of the Earth. But Yids like Jan Moir have neither basic common-sense nor any integrity and as the entire world knows, their only fucking and truly obsessive interest that her sort does tenaciously have and will die for is money. And the owners and controlled at the Daily Mail are fully aware of this and effectively have no compunction in using real and as well blatant nonentities like Jan Moir and the rest of them! Yet this cunt has the very sheer audacity to label Meghan Markle: a highly educated and clearly self– evidently also, quite substantially mentally liberated and proud of it African American female, a nonentity figure! Show us your brilliant qualifications and superb skills criteria Jan Moir! I thought not!
All these right-wing headlines and each with their lying content, all desperately trying to effectively take the focus away from Jeffrey Epstein’s best mate Andy; and that Saint Ku Klux, unquestionably like yourself Jan Moir, a social climbing, obsessively stalking and obviously also a most thoroughly, quite distinctly gold digger and a monetary obsessed pillock is herself embarrassingly languishing in hospital, albeit a push one, combatting syphilis!
Myself and I would logically argue that all intelligent and capable of evidently and essentially thinking for themselves all know that the Daily Mail and clearly its hacks all unquestionably manifestly egregiously crucially hate Meghan and Harry, but this daily nonsense actually by the likes of you Jan Moir is basically getting rather boring. Criticise Meghan and Harry if you must but essentially at least let it be factual and objective not wild and racist speculation generated by you crass and clearly sick obsession with them, while jumping on a simply convenient, amply provided and racist bandwagon!
For those like you and your likeminded fellow hacks, Jan Moir writing this vile, evilly odious, intellectually challenged and similarly, obsessively pathetic stuff unquestionably clearly show you as the twisted individuals you really are, very happy, undoubtedly, to be taking quite tainted pay cheques from your distinctly likeminded employers like the fittingly appropriate Nazi Daily Mail! Hardly so, in the least, surprising that you’re very categorically single. Get not only a life Jan Moir but clearly as well serious psychiatric treatment! I say this simply and aptly as someone who specifically and significantly previously trained as a psychiatric nurse, rather long before my Academic and journalist days, and at the time dealt with a real plethora of sectioned lunatics. Who now leisurely walk the streets of the UK because the lunatic PM, Maggie Thatcher actually sold off these mental hospitals, saying that the inmates could be dealt with in the public arena. By then I had clearly long left nursing; but how wrong she was, I thought then, and still do! And you Jan Moir, alone on your own does prove my point!
There’s currently a rather pronounced upsurge of quite new born babies being dumped and cruelly left to the mercy of the treacherous elements of the British weather; what a simply distinctly awful pity that 65 years ago, you similarly Jan Moir weren’t unequivocally discernibly treated! Distinctively hopefully, though, machete rife London will expeditiously soon and completely very permanently rectify that past problem in your rather fortuitous then but overlooked case.
For what you’re egregiously and rather clearly malevolently peddling Jan Moir is by no stretch of even the most rabid, quite puerile and infantile imagination any simply so-called freedom of speech or expression but literally and odiously an undoubtedly, patently unadulterated and an explicitly rather unquestionably as well, a simply nakedly and distinctly spuriously, toxically verminous, brazen obviously anti Black/White relationship hatred which quite blissfully effectively ends rather happily in marriage, but as well all the associated and perniciously virulent racism attached to your rather demented and sick perspective on life!
And don’t anyone bloody well asininely dare far less so, even in their stupidity, arrogantly contemplate demanding that I apologize I for, far less so retract what I’ve aptly, honestly, and wholeheartedly said unquestionably, relative to this Yid cunt Jan Moir; as it really and naturally, obviously won’t happen!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
20 January 2024.
Already included in the narrative of this work.