
The arrant delusion and vile con that Oxford University is a reputable academic institution!

By Stanley Colymore
A short while ago the University
of Oxford in England, and very
laughably in the 21st Century,
allowed several of its medical students
literally, in the rather formal process of
sitting their final year exams, but quite
red-handedly and totally unmistakably
clearly caught by exam invigilators, to
be cheating in the distinct process of
taking those exams risibly had those
exams only cancelled and tthe guilty
students, instead of being decidedly
and quite summarily fittingly kicked
out of Oxford university and equally
rather publicly blackballed for what
they were caught doing, effectively
as any clearly reputable, university
woulld literally have automatically
done Oxford University effectively
instead significantly and crucially
very corruptly obviously chose to
do absolutely nothing, literally so
even in terms of strict academic
penalties to all those undeniably
offending, basically distinctively
unremarkable, intellectually; but
evidently disreputable students.
In fact Oxford University clearly
went out of its way to basically
bend over backwards, crucially
to placate and quite effectively
curry favour with them; literally
allowing these absolutely, very
odious, cheating bastards and
bitches to then resit their final
exams. Asininely, and fittingly
most odiously lying and quite
unprofessionally stating also
did the controllers at Oxford;
that they simply weren’t sure
who the cheating scum were.
A blatant lie to start with as they
knew perfectly well, who these
cheats were but clearly didn’t
want to publicly say. A quite obvious
for these Oxford liars a significantly
most embarrassing state of affairs
which publicly, obviously had to be
promptly, and summarily curtailed
since these unquestionably rather
red-handedly, distinctively caught,
offending students were crucially
the sickeningly, clearly pampered
trust fund recipients, of distinctly
wealthy families, who cohesively
very superciliously had distinctly
and similarly specifically natural
for everyone involved, obviously
most happily, avidly dispatched
off noticeably brazenly to these
claimed remarkably exclusively
most excellent, public schools!
Evidently bastions of the likes of
Eaton, Harrow and Cheltenham
Ladies College solely because
of their stated superior standards of
education. Risibly also another very
blatantly stated lie as academically
they’re not very outstanding in true
academic terms and quite fittingly
much about them is aptly nothing
but dishonestly concocted myths.
For what these supposedly “elite”
institutions clearly do, and rather
magnificently, basically are, is to
basically operate, very distinctly
like dating clubs, where the rich
parents or otherwise guardians
contractually, avidly delightedly
pay the absolute essential fees
and their clearly, privileged kith
and kin are, automatically then,
locked into all these important
contact privileges distinctively
minus, a creditable education,
hampering what they’re doing.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
3 Mach 2023.

Author's Remarks:
And significantly the likes of those at Oxford and the other so-called Oxbridge Universities are fully cognizant of that; and in return these universities get their pay-offs and grants for their self-centred and ostentatious in-house institutions and these intellectually challenged pillocks that pass through them, in places like Oxford University, end up being the absolute controllers of the UK and likewise even the automatic Prime Minister of Britain. So there was no way that these narcissistic handlers at Oxford University were ever going to name and shame these blatantly arrogant, privileged and both literally and figuratively speaking, disgustingly cheating bastards!

Yet Oxford University quite disingenuously and likewise brazenly, distinctly carries on proselytizing itself as not only the UK’s but similarly too one of the world’s most prestigious universities, which it patently is not, although in its favour it rather questionably was some time back but now in the 21st Century, and in sentient suppositions as well as realistic observations, it doesn’t stand a snowflake in Hell’s chance of being logically or realistically deemed an incontestably outstanding or relevant academic institution; but instead like the dinosaurs that once dominated large sections of the Earth that they were then effectively in but through the natural process of very relevant and revolutionary, progressive change, Oxford University, as any real motivational catalyst for stimulating and erudite thinking in the 21st Century is essentially and most effectively dead.

The effectively bogus lockdown across Britain openly showed the worst aspects of many so-called doctors in the UK, a state of affairs that's still going on; and resulting from this many people both old and young have suffered and died from wrongful and incompetent misdiagnoses by, I actually believe so-called doctors with their cheated in exams exactly like the Oxford ones or even persons paid to do these exams for them "qualifications” and who are increasingly permeating the NHS. Is it any wonder then that they don't want to see patients face to face? But rather thankfully, even if rather slowly so, more and more of these cheating bastards and bitches are being rumbled and as well legally prosecuted.

I have ever respect essentially for the NHS that I once trained and worked in as an RMN and also an SRN many moons ago and long before I would later embark on my planned career from when I was a child at grammar school and knew then and tremendously inspired and actively encouraged by my English Master that I genuinely wanted to be an Academic, which I ultimately and gratefully became. Further in my estimation, though, Britain's best and most commendable invention is quite undoubtedly the creation of the NHS; but which the distinctly odiously self-serving and delusional mother fuckers, who like to see themselves as the elites of the UK, with their bogus "superior" public school and Oxbridge make believe education are intentionally and evilly destroying.

Most gratefully though there are still bastions of thorough excellence within the NHS and one of them - and not just the consultants, doctors, other medical staffers as well as the superb body of administrators and other staffers - is the EAST SURREY HOSPITAL. And as an English Language and English Literature specialist myself who is never short of words, there are not enough of them in the English or anyone other language that I'm competent with that can precisely state the quite excellent work that the EAST SURREY HOSPITAL is commendably doing and I'm absolutely sure will commendably and most altruistically carry on doing. SO WELL DONE EVERYONE AT THE EAST SURREY HOSPITAL; as you're the true quality of what Britain should and similarly must be all about!

Also I most humbly and exceedingly thankfully would like to thank my consultant ophthalmologist and the excellent head of my GP practice who resigned and gave it up for the reasons that I've already outlined. I've not named these persons publicly but they obviously know who they are and I've already personally thanked them, many times. That's the relationship I have with them. Bless you both, as you're not only a credit to the NHS but likewise humanity!


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