
In faithful commemoration of the life of Halton Martin (Poem)

By Stanley Collymore
We weren’t only blood relatives who grew up in the
same socially cohesive St. Andrew community
of the Lakes District, we were also political
soul brothers, proud advocates in both
the defence and tirelessly laboured
and fought for advancement of
our mutual Black race, just
as we were also close
life-long friends.
Now tragically you’re no longer here among
us Hal. For Death has most pitilessly and
entirely unexpectedly taken you away,
not only from those who personally
knew and reciprocally loved you
but likewise has also provided
another unwarranted impediment in the long
running story of our peoples’ significantly
historic and fundamentally heroic fight
for our rightful recognition through
social emancipation, essential
political justice and the still
unresolved compensatory
fiscal requirements of
slavery and sensibly
colonial amends.
Making you during your prized life Hal
a steadfast fighter for all these things
and a great deal more. And, what
undeniably, I’m appreciatively
consoled by, my close blood
relation, established, very
cherished and a notable
friend, will be your
enduring legacy
Halton Martin.
© Stanley V. Collymore
23 March 2018.

Author’s Remarks:
You’ve prematurely in my view Hal, unhappily and most regrettably departed this world and are therefore physically no longer with those of us who knew and loved you, but in our hearts and minds as well as our memories you and your impressive legacy will live on forever in the profound admiration and thoroughly unshakable affection for you not just of current but also, as of yet unborn, future, similarly proud and immensely grateful generations Barbadians.

So farewell and not goodbye my dear friend and biological cousin embraced as you now are by the Almighty God and the heavenly throng, until those of us who have currently survived you meet up with you again, and this time in Celestial Eternity. Amen!


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