
Jeremy Corbyn: A distinctly outstanding and fittingly an essentially Great Briton!

By Stanley Collymore
you can either agree or disagree with
Jeremy Corbyn; like or not like him,
that’s your concern and not his
problem! However, regardless of where
you stand in relation to him, it’s literally
clear, that Jeremy Corbyn has, at least
consistently, and simply courageously
had the guts, to very impressively and
thoroughly commendably, undeniably
also, stand by his effectively staunch
beliefs no matter what, or how much
unpopularity they evoke, or the inane
toxic disrepute so discernibly openly
and very grotesquely, unwarrantedly
and malevolently too thrown at him!
Which is categorically something
that can’t ever be truthfully said
about his right-wing and quite
odious Zionist enemies, who wouldn’t
realistically know or actually even try
to even countenance, what integrity
obviously is; unless taking the piss
figuratively, and these distinctively
intellectually challenged prats not
knowing anything whatever of  it,
integrity essentially appeared to
them quite enticingly disguised
fittingly as "ein entscheidendes
Element des deutschen, Wider–
gutmachungsprogramms! Klar.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
8 November 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Personally and similarly from a perfectly conscious and deeply psychological perspective Jeremy Corbyn is undoubtedly in my mind and estimation the very best Prime Minister that the United Kingdom never had; and had purportedly democratic Britain, a risible concept if ever there was one, had a proportional representative system of national elections in place instead of the ultra-classism based one of first past the post that only benefits the self- serving, financially obsessed, principally useless public school and self-entitled charlatans among whom cronyism and nepotism as chronically epidemic, and who largely and corruptly automatically make it into the House of Commons, the surfeit of morons who control not only what ludicrously passes for democracy in the UK, earnestly making sure in the process that the abundance of brainwashed and largely intellectually challenged as well as distinctively gullible, naturally perceived by their rulers and controllers simple as convenient electoral trash, while preponderantly and utterly falsely portraying to and even convincing them that Britain is such a shining and quite worthy democracy; however the reality, and quite contrary to this sick concept, being that Meritocracy, Equality and yes, true Democracy aren't perceived by these controllers of Britain as assets that should be expended - wasted is how they actually see it - on these Plebeian serfs, who in actuality they markedly despise; and is distinctively a conceitedly arrogant and sickeningly disgraceful, as well as essentially a very comprehensively, unquestionably privileged concept that they distinctly wholeheartedly live by! While all very sentient minds and caring folk clearly know that Britain in marked contrast under Jeremy Corbyn would indeed have been a truly first-rate nation and with a plethora of opportunities open to those who to this very day still don't have them. That's precisely why to the rightwingers, racists, and the Master Racers among this surfeit of scum, quite regrettably breathing God's very wholesome Air, Jeremy Corbin is Public Enemy Number 1.

As for Palestine and the clearly, highly commendable views on it and it's very subjugated indigenous people and that Jeremy Corbyn holds on these issues, as well as the succinct manner that he highlights them in conjunction with the blatant and glaring hypocrisy of several western nations, including Britain, let me categorically state that as someone who has always wholeheartedly and will similarly continue until I die or the Palestinian people achieve the justice they richly and outstandingly deserve that I'm likewise wholeheartedly with Jeremy Corbin and the principled views he holds as well as his courageous and ongoing stance requisite to the rights, dignity and truly deserving sovereignty of the Palestinian people. An actually indigenous people who similarly to the Aborigines of Australia, essentially find themselves barbarically liquidated by interlopers adopting a similarly puerile Terra nullius, in complete conjunction with abhorrent apartheid policies solely at the indigenous Palestinian people!

#Gratitude #Inspirational #Respect

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