
White British stupidity: a basically naturally innate characteristic or a prized vacuity, worked on rather assiduously?

By Stanley Collymore
Unrealistically, unchristian Britons:
real as well as clearly imaginary
proselytizing ones; you know
the sort, are angrily up in arms, as they
allegedly, but rather hypocritically and
dishonestly openly claim that several
white school children and effectively
predominantly boys are increasingly
simply converted to Islam, in British
schools. This false lurid accusation
coming very incredibly from people
residing in a country, Britain, where
honestly, simply around 22% of the
entire white population despite the
rather bogus quite entrenched and
discernibly perceived notion to the
contrary, are essentially practising
Christians; while, undoubtedly, the
majority of the others, wouldn’t be
naturally able to really honestly or
accurately truly describe what the
actual inside, of any church looks
like, because truthfully from their
own birth, to their ultimate death
and ultimately, in between those
times they’ve never been literally
or crucially been in any of them!
And to discernibly compound the
aforementioned cited situation,
the hereditary and equally too
the constitutionally and literally present
Head of the Church of England, equally
also the UK’s actual reigning monarch,
is a manifestly, very characteristically,
and similarly an obviously, irrefutably
actually, unrepentant serial adulterer;
while, legally attendant with that, his
quite undoubted official heir, in both
these crucial areas, constitutionally,
is essentially, clearly an atheist, and
non church goer. Yet we discernibly
and undoubtedly obviously have all
these distinctly non-religious, white
assholes literally, vilely complaining
about Islam’s purportedly coercive,
eradication of Christianity– in what
significantly is eccentrically simply
a deludedly, ostentatious Christian
country that’s clearly and basically
deceitfully so simply in name only.
And I reckon it would be a safe bet
therefore– that situation carrying
on rather indefinitely, unless of
course, and quite unlikely so– that truly
in order for these racist scum, to carry
on receiving their dole payments, and
social security benefits to undeniably
support their bastard progeny and to
similarly receive and basically retain
the council houses which they quite
clearly consciously and obsessively
sought after and crucially acquired;
and thus the sole reasons they had
these bastard sprogs essentially in
the first place; there was obviously
an obligatory, statutory stipulation,
that the unquestionably, obviously,
major and undeniably satisfactory
way to maintain getting, what they
customarily and even very lavishly
financially do, was simply through
quite steadfastly adhering to their
legal requirements to aptly attend
church, on a regular basis; simply,
that is the only feasible way you’ll
get these clearly hypocritical, and
generally irreligious bastards and
bitches being earnestly seen ever
really sitting on these current and
undoubtedly contemporaneously,
significantly vacant church pews.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
21 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Is having white British school children voluntarily showing respect to Allah - effectively God in Islam - realistically worse than baptize a white baby that can neither speak, read nor reason, into Christianity or Judaism for that matter?

And literally to all of you white bigots of both those two aforementioned Faith's that you rather dishonestly use for your own racist control as well as monetary means when in essence you're actually non-practitioners of either Christianity itself or Judaism for that matter but in effect really simply use them as props for your own individual aggrandizement - whatever perversely that might be - isn't this dishonest behaviour of yours: quite a controlling mechanism you generally and adversely employ for your very own distinctively selfish ends, obviously and undeniably akin to your very malevolent and egregious behaviour actually surely regarding freedom of speech?

In other words, both these concepts are perfectly fine as long as your personally believe in and quite essentially similarly support them. Do grow up, will you!

I'm essentially, happily, unapologetically and discernibly proudly, a longstanding practising Christian, unquestionably so like the obvious, overwhelming majority of my fellow Bajans; but we Barbadians naturally accept, and clearly encourage others to not only seriously but likewise as well conscionably and honestly think for themselves on all matters, including religion!

And never to meekly or otherwise allow anyone to effectively ram anything, and that specifically includes religion, down our throats and basically get away with it. And with the people attempting such things being first rate hypocrites who in effect evidently don't practice what they preach, including the same religion they literally, falsely pretend to be defending. For how can you really, ever realistically defend something that you're obviously not a part of nor conscionably have any full cognisance about?

Personally I find it not only undoubtedly commendably impressive but likewise as well altruistically and universally too exceptionally beneficial that white kids in their formative years are simply both distinctively wholeheartedly willing and also thoroughly prepared to objectively and quite beneficially learn about other religions and their associated cultures, that essentially comprise the obviously daily existences effectively of basically billions of other people who undeniably similarly inhabit the world that they too significantly live in.

People who discernibly, unquestionably also have actually been far longer really on this very mutual Planet Earth of ours than White Caucasians have been. And through this mutual process of genuine objectivity and natural respect evidently help to constructively modify, and aptly shape for the better this world that very literally belongs to all of us; and not by any means those that clearly arrogantly and most pathetically quite delusionally selfishly think and odiously believe that it is exclusively theirs to do with as they jolly well please, and should they really feel so inclined to the vast detriment of everyone else.

No way must conscionable and literally ethically minded persons ever actually permit this sort of mind-set to become the norm; and why, what is essentially beneficially occurring with these white children now and discernibly in clearly marked contrast to what innumerable generations of White Caucasians have barbarously effected and dishonestly also significantly, routinely subjected other races to must end; thus enabling these young white school children to meritoriously fashion a far better world for all of us who're currently here and manifestly leave a fitting legacy, both for their children and their children's progeny who hopefully follow them!


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