Author’s Remarks:
Birthdays come and they go, and while celebrating them can and quite often is a marvellous experience for those who’re involved it’s the memories associated with them that unquestionably provide the enduring legacy on which one can draw the tremendous satisfaction and gratifying enjoyment derived from having had them set against any dire disappointment or loneliness engendered from these same personal events.
The latter and manifestly a heartrending situation was never realistically ever likely to be a case in your experience my Darling, and quite so for a number of very feasible and heart-warming reasons. So I shall simply, although I guess expectantly and understandably too more personally and intimately add my vocal, in addition to my physical, contribution to the chorus of deserving congratulations genuinely delivered to you on this your special day.
And, as I do so, will earnestly and forthrightly tell you how immensely proud I am of you, profoundly love you, and am most exhilaratingly overjoyed to be personally, lovingly and delightfully and reciprocally involved with an exceedingly extraordinary human being - who as it joyfully happens is indisputably you – and who in addition is conclusively in every conceivable way a thoroughly superlative woman and a decidedly irreplaceable Lady!