
Would Harry have dipped his wick in Sasha Walpole’s fanny if he’d been legally sober?

By Stanley Collymore
Sasha Walpole, didn’t keep her
legs closed and seemingly so
can’t keep her mouth shut
either; and to me, it’s distinctively
obvious why this is the case. The
Daily Mail from my intellectually
confident perspective distinctly
quite conveniently omitted the
crucially important word “gold”
before Sasha Walpole’s stated
job title. Harry quite obviously
referenced what happened to
him, as a virginal teenager on
him reaching, the legal age of
sexual majority, although not
the legal age that he crucially
could legally buy or consume
alcohol. Even so Harry didn’t
describe this asinine woman
or in any way indicate it was
her or anybody else for that
matter so why the problem?
Sasha Walpole, however, is self–
evidently after her 15 minutes
of alleged fame– notoriety is
what I call it– and, distinctively the
financial remuneration, which she
very desperately expects to come
with it; and quite ostensibly so all
the quite odiously far right Harry
and Meghan news outlets rather
principally, because a perceived,
senior member of the obviously
Windsor quite characteristically
also, British monarchical family
lovingly and rather consciously
emphatically, willingly chose to
distinctively, and blissfully wed
really unequivocaly, an African
American female and basically
clearly not some white bimbo,
are now very copiously, giving
this asininely overtly attention
to Sasha Walpole and in  such
a manner, they wouldn’t have
done had Harry’s wife literally
been some evilly, white Karen
slapper like Camilla. Such vile,
and bloody tawdry behaviour.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
13 February 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Sasha Walpole didn't keep her legs closed and seemingly so can't her mouth either! You outed yourself; Harry didn'T. And anyone with a modicum of common sense or basic intelligence knows why you did so. That's your choice; but don't lay the blame for your Karen nature and graspingly greedy self at the door of Harry or Meghan. And as for harry downgrading by marrying Meghan, you and your sort are really fucking well living in the land of your sick and twisted fantasy.

You were simply a fuck - pure and simple like loads of other trollops then and now across Britain. And the lot of you should ask yourselves what you think the terminology "one night stand" actually means; bearing in mind that many of you are the bastard products of such liaisons. Don't take my word for it! Go check your DNA or failing that consult "Long Lost Families".

#Greed #Selfishness

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