
Fittingly a double celebration for us loyal and independently so, proud Bajans!

By Stanley Collymore
The earnest recognition of fifty
six years of independence as
a distinctly proud, basically
well coordinated, and equally also
an ambitious, discernibly forward
looking and evidently a staunchly
unquestionably, politically stable
Afro-Caribbean, nation entity. So
as we cherish and too, celebrate
these achievements we all of us
with crucially fond and devoted
memories, essentially do firmly
solemnly recall, the multiplicity
of courageous individuals over
four centuries, whose crucially
quite tireless endeavours plus
altruistic actions: prominently
individually as well as literally
collectively, made it evidently
possible and clearly continue
to do so; for all of us to aptly,
and likewise truthfully say as
will certainly and undeniably
too future generations; that
we’re endemically, blissfully
pleased, and similarly quite
committed to being Bajans!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
30 November 2022.

Author's Remarks:
Heartiest and corollary, sincerest congratulations to the Nation of Barbados, its Government and all of our citizens both at home and additionally across our global Diaspora on the absolute and also excellent achievement on this day - 30 November 2022 - of 56 years of independence and likewise too the first anniversary of our dearly beloved Nation actually becoming a Republic.

And as we proudly reflect on our many achievements as a people, among them a stable and fittingly well informed political electorate; a truly and highly prized, excellent educational system that's second to none and that comprehensively caters distinctively nationally and similarly also both legislatively and automatically freely to every Bajan citizen irrespective of where they were actually born or grew up, this discernibly from kindergarten age to postgraduate university studies; and a National Health Service with the same concept of distinctly full and unquestionably free inclusivity at whatever point of entry.

We Bajans earnestly recall and are deeply and enduringly grateful too to all those, our cherished past as well as present innovators, who in their inimitable ways clearly made all this possible, and in the course of progressively and imaginatively doing so, thus creating an ongoing process that's not just beneficial to ourselves currently but also future Bajans, as we nationally, politically and societally very avidly culturally carry on with our quite committed and very assiduous endeavours of Democracy, Equality and certainly Meritocracy!

Happy Anniversary Barbados; and quite naturally joyous celebrations to all my fellow Bajans!

#Congratulations #Inspiration

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