
Evil abounds when good men and women do nothing about it!

By Stanley Collymore
Why is the odious conduct of people
like Jimmy Savile, John Peel and
Huw Edwards never exposed
or leaked until they end up being caught? As
it’s literally baffling why all these witnesses
really only actually come forward after the
fact. Could it be because they’re evidently
truly simply merely seeking relevance for
themselves, or the literal knowledge that
whistleblowers are unquestionably seen
as disruptive and consequently also not
believed; so those actually aware of the
wrongdoings going on are literally quite
reluctant in significantly actually taking
chances by being really honest, to their
management superiors; fully aware, of
the prospect, that by sensibly doing so
they might very well in the process, be
essentially limiting their very own and
specifically ironically, honest careers?
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
9 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
And it's not just the BBC. Just look at the NHS as well, for example. Specifically the case of another white and untouchable favourite Lucy Letby, several of whose fellow workers and as well senior consultants reported their own very serious concerns about her evidently to senior management who refused to believe them and significantly, undoubtedly adding insult to their legitimate complaints, literally demanded that these complainants apologise to a woman that subsequently after she was caught out, charged and tried in a court of law TWICE, very separate juries found Lucy Letby guilty of mass murder.

But those NHS management morons are still in their nepotiscally acquired jobs; and there are those who quite selectively, simply because of Lucy Letby's unquestionably white Middle Class background, and notwithstanding the innocent babies she murdered, asininely refuse to simply believe that she's guilty, as they undoubtedly do jump on their white, racist supremacist and as well, class entrenched sickeningly and odious bandwagon!

Quite ironically no such campaign for or on the behalf of Beverley Allitt, equally a convicted and evil baby murderess also employed by the NHS, nor any management demands that staffers at the hospital where she worked should apologise to her. And the big difference is that is odiously vile and evilly white, feudal mind set and clearly class entrenched Britain Beverley Alllit is quite unlike Lucy Letby from the wrong social class!

My honest opinion in all of this is simply that if you collude in covering up, or actually refuse to take cognisance of wrongdoings, and distinctly specifically those of the evil and odious calibre of Jimmy Savile, Lucy Letby etc., those literally senior management that did the covering up, as indeed other known perpetrators should equally be subjected to legal prosecution! And crucially certainly not allowed, as is quite commonplace, to retain their lucrative employments!

For as things stand, empowered by their quite literally nepotistically acquired sinecure of very supposedly important jobs, they do bugger all; except support the status quo, turn a blind eye to outrageous wrongdoings and evidently even when those they've protected are disclosed for what they undoubtedly are, carry on themselves Scot free while enjoying their enhanced and as well unworthily received salaries! In literal terms taking the piss effectively!


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