
Families aren’t always what they publicly proclaim themselves to be!

By Stanley Collymore
Families, as general familial expectations go and
typically societal endorsements will concur,
are essential elements in the unfaltering
sustainability of a recognizable and
generally accepted society, as well as a civilized
environment all round. And, in English terms,
pound for pound, aren’t just an appropriate
and fundamentally an assured means—
all trepidations of cuckolding either
premeditatedly or impulsively so
discriminatingly put aside – to
be pertinently engrossed in,
vis-à-vis the hereditarily
transmission of  one’s
genuinely proven or
even expressively
assumed genes to forthcoming
generations of a distinctive
familial tree that one is
naturally inclined to
share biological
affinity with.
But also a cause for convincingly ensuring, in
distinctly amiable circumstances, the kind
of edifying camaraderie, bonding and
supportive empathy, which in the
responsive minds of practically everyone
concerned does fully establish what
a perceptible family is and most
unquestionably in the  proper
circumstances ought to be.
But expectations, often for various and similarly
valid reasons, don’t always materialize into
concrete realizations, and consequently
quite naturally can invariably cause
huge disappointments to not only develop and
adversely mature; and should these not be
applicably dealt with and appropriately
mended can subsequently, because
of mindless or haughty incaution
on either side but typically the
dominant and leading family
entity’s part, lead directly
to far more and huger problems. Or in
terms of that familial relationship
a never-ending vexation; and
in a worst case scenario,
even an inevitably,
However, whether that last position materializes
or not it’s equally unquestionably as well as
unchallengeable that the sole decision of
those directly and personally involved
is for them to eventually decide what is the best
resolution for them. And, therefore, since it’s
their personal lives that are expressly and
emotionally embroiled in this domestic
and familial affair, which essentially
and non-debatably to all sentient,
sane and logical persons ought
to other than themselves be
of no interest whatsoever
to anyone else. So why
then the sordidly prurient, malicious,
continuous and a fixated curiosity
commonly in Prince Harry and
his wife, Duchess Meghan;
other than the customary
white superiority and
a similarly instilled
and methodically
vile, racist one?
© Stanley V. Collymore
5 March 2020.

Author’s Remarks:
None of us had any choice in who our parents let alone our family members would or should be. However we each of us, assuming that we’re not as dim-witted as the overwhelming majority of the British white population and their Asian Useful Idiots are, have the inalienable right to make our own decisions regarding who we fall in love with, reciprocally wish to marry in a mutually loving relationship as man and wife, the children we have or choose not to, and basically live our lives as productively, morally and beneficially as we assiduously essay to.

And no one, not the British newspaper rag barons, their manipulative white plebeian scum or anyone one else for that matter has any right to interfere in any of the aforementioned. So my heartiest congratulations to you Harry and Meghan! My best wishes for you both and Archie and, as I’ve previously stated on other occasions, you’ve made the right decision!

Harry, Meghan and Archie forever! British racist, white scum and their assorted fellow travellers never!

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