Author’s Comments:
Danielle Ryan in an article for RT entitled “Temples to Colonial Theft” took Tiffany Jenkins, who I’ve mentioned in this poem and article, to task for her consummate idiocy. Since this same Tiffany Jenkins seriously and passionately thinks that the in excess of 90% of Africa’s cultural heritage stolen and kept in British and other European museums should never be returned to their rightful owners. And amongst Tiffany Jenkins prized racist gems are the following.
When the first wave of Benin bronzes (stacked away in the British Museum) were created she opines Benin was an Empire and the objects were crafted on the back of what she terms as a slave trade. Adding that perhaps the descendants of the Benin king should apologize for their African slavery before they are approved as morally worthy owners of the artefacts that were taken from them. Take that literally to mean barbarically and in the vilest racist terms stolen from them by the British.
Irony, of course, completely lost on this white female prat who is nevertheless absolutely and unwaveringly against Britain or any other European colonialist entity then, ever apologizing for their principal roles and the attendant barbarity and inhuman behaviour caused to African people generally as a direct consequence of the Transatlantic Slave Trade that was very much spearheaded by England and carried on quite productively for this off-shore European island that subsequently became the United Kingdom.
A suggestion on the part of Tiffany Jenkins that literally reeks of colonial arrogance. For in this article of hers published in the British Guardian newspaper she actually goes on to say that all these African and other stolen artefacts in British and other European museums do enlighten us about the world and, as such, that is the primary job of our (British) museums. Drawing this damning remark from Danielle Ryan: “How lovely! Stolen cultural heritage enlightens us deserving (white) westerners, so, of course, they have fulfilled their one true purpose!”
Victoria Mather meanwhile, with the same ingrained racist concept as Tiffany Jenkins, thinks that Meghan Markle is just a few clicks above “trailer trash.” How revealing about this rather pathetically sad, menopausal tart of an old cow who obviously having perfunctorily glanced into the mirror and saw a reflection of herself didn’t like what she saw and quite unbearably unwilling to countenance her own revolting reflection, in a typical reaction characteristic of the endemic lowlife and verminous scum that her white sort are could only respond by her off-loading her innate inabilities onto someone or persons whom poorly informed or very probably distinctly intellectually challenged as Victoria Mather undoubtedly is or both, she thus felt utterly compelled to unwarrantedly, but also gain her five minutes of MSM attention seeking, by jumping on the prodigious bandwagon of vile Meghan Markle baiting.
In other words have a go at someone she asininely considers to be grossly inferior to herself. Which really is a long stretch of puerile imagining! For in a word Victoria Mather is vermin! No different in character from the deleteriously noxious kind one would customarily find in any public works sewer!
Which brings me vitally to a piece of correspondence recently sent to me. And it reads thus: “It’s not only Harry and Meghan questioning why they’re treated more harshly for the trivial transgression of wishing to live in another country than Andrew is for, at best, in consorting with a convicted paedophile!”
Afro-Caribbeans, particularly at home in the West Indies have publicly been very quiet on the way Meghan and Harry have been treated but privately the feelings run high because they all know why Meghan is being treated so appallingly. And the word is out they will do something about it in their own way and their own time. And I’ve been asked to pass the message on that it would be most advisable for those who’re named in this poem and article that they don’t set foot anywhere in the Caribbean in the near future. For instead of receiving the customary and effusive Caribbean welcome, there’s more likely to be a machete-necklace embrace waiting to greet them.