
Even brain-dead low-lives have a legitimate, constitutional right to their asinine opinions!

By Stanley Collymore

Like everyone else in this country, or the wider world for
that matter, you’re perfectly entitled to your personal
opinions Noel Gallagher and the right to express
them. But that realistically is as far as it goes I
would say. And just because you happen to
conjure up with others what’s essentially
a profusion of discordant sounds that
many among the scattered brain, the
tone deaf and their feckless followers asininely regard
as music that in turn and just as unbelievably but
none the less is equally humdrum but all the
same commonplace in the western world
where you specifically come from and
noticeably belong; and furthermore
where the existing value systems,
if in actuality they can be called
such, are so markedly skewed
to express the very least that
berks like you are eagerly
conferred, for lack of a
more suitable term, a
supposed celebrity
status, whatever
in your drug
filled, idiotic
and clearly
life that

And consequently is blithely embraced and supported
financially by the money hawks who comfortably
make a fortune from this, ensure that you get
your cut although not as substantial as the
one that they award themselves, while
similarly guaranteeing that you toe
their manifestly materialistic line
and are fully onboard the rolling bandwagon
that they most graspingly, gleefully, quite
contentedly and rather advantageously
jump upon; so what is it then to the
likes of you Noel Gallagher who
is barely literate, substantially
ill-informed in almost everything that is genuinely
of any meaningful value or is of fundamental
and lasting importance to the overall and
deserving improvement of the society
which you’re in and, in my honest
opinion, that you overtly infest
with your puerile and lowlife
attitude, based on the quite
stupid conception of me,
myself and I generally,
and callously in this
progression to hell
with all the rest!

© Stanley V. Collymore
11 January 2016.

Author’s Thoughts:
As I openly and honestly expressed in my preceding poem anyone living in a purported and contemporary democratic society that works, whether in essence realistically and impartially or more likely than not is vaingloriously, utterly subjectively and even prescriptively, perniciously and self-servingly manipulated by those who effectively control the levers of power and influence to promote and substantially further their own selfish and conceited advantages and ambitions.

Then additionally use their dim-witted, intellectually challenged, lunatic fringe, lowlife morons; class-fixated, obsessional social climbing and purblind Useful Idiots to toadying do their dishonest and assiduously contrived propagandistic bidding, notwithstanding all that has been previously said, have a lawful and constitutional right to freedom of expression regardless of how asinine, ill-conceived and utterly worthless that opinion, whether unlikely self-generated or more commonly dictated by others, actually is.

Noel Gallagher, in my honest and conscientiously considered opinion, substantially and inveterately ticks all those derogatory boxes earlier delineated; the definitive lowlife pillock in my view too simple-minded to even discern the rank stupidity of his ways, ludicrously assuming that the acquisition of money by any means is somehow a requisite correlation to intellect, integrity, wisdom or sophistication; attributes that evidently he doesn’t have or is ever likely to acquire. So let me directly and most unequivocally tell you Mr crack-head there is no correlation whatsoever between money and these worthwhile values and qualities; and there never will be!

And how very ironic too that someone so palpably of Irish extraction: the perennially English created colonials of the British Isles; the substantially Barbadozed indentured servants and white slaves, again by the English, to Barbados and subsequently other English controlled colonies in the Caribbean as slave labour, and all this long before Australia was known of by white Caucasians but would itself later become a systematic dumping ground  for customarily perceived by the same English ruling classes as Celtic lowlife, whores and endemic criminals.

And as if that of itself wasn’t enough in terms of mental and physical degradation of the Irish to go on with, there was the additional and calculatedly engineered and highly detrimentally executed Irish famine by the English that saw scores of thousands of Irish men, women, children, the elderly and the disabled literally starve to death, forcibly displaced from their traditional homes and with numerous others compelled out of sheer necessity and desperation to permanently forsake their island home as refugees and seek sanctuary across the Atlantic in North America; a collection of deliberately imposed activities that had a massive and devastating effect demographically as well as in a multiplicity of other ways on the entire population of Ireland.

But despite all that and much more besides in terms of the routine abasement that was premeditatedly and indifferently meted out unjustly to the Irish people over centuries and by the same English barbarians across several generations, the world generally and the British specially are in 2016 incredibly presented with the odious spectacle of a benighted and thoroughly debauched mother-fucker like you Noel Gallagher siding obsequiously with the same English types that consistently fucked up the daily lives and general existence, and whose consequences are still felt to this day, of the Irish nation– your people let’s not forget– in every conceivable way that they possibly could. And left entirely to the whims and savagery of this current lot of avariciously exploitative, Fascist, Nazi and privileged English dunderheads presently running Britain and their collaborative coterie of Yiddish and Wahabi paymasters would emphatically and happily between them turn most of Britain outside their elite communities into a permanent wasteland of intentionally shattered ambitions for everyone else and totally devoid of even the most basic elements of humanitarian egalitarianism.

But that’s not how a social climbing, one-upmanship and lowlife ratbag like yourself Noel Gallagher sees it do you? Risibly ensconced on your make-believe charger and taking an infantile and cheap shot at Jeremy Corbyn, who as a conscionable, intelligent and thoroughly compassionate human being is millions of light years distanced from the barbaric Neanderthal that you are; and the sole political leader in Britain who’s really capable of genuinely changing things in a demonstrably positive and constructive way and thus make this here United Kingdom infinitely better for all of us, and not just the privileged few as is the current practice with the present British regime, and has been so all along with all preceding and consecutive ones.

Jeremy Corbyn is verbally condemned by you as a communist without you providing any proof to support or substantiate your bizarre and unfounded assertion, and what he’s doing is communism, which you state you hate but de facto you have no problem with austerity which evidently you love and has caused and is continuing to cause more misery in Britain for average British families per se, not the privileged rich or wealthy pop stars, than communism that has never had even a toe hold in the UK has done or is ever likely to. So you’re talking through your ass quite frankly Noel Gallagher! Additionally you affirm that you find Tony Blair: a mass murderer and perpetrator of heinous war crimes and crimes against humanity “amazing”; your word Noel Gallagher!

Two things to remember Noel Gallagher; in relation to your sick admiration of Tony Blair you’re obviously and unsurprising, as far as I’m concerned, not the full shilling. As for Jeremy Corbyn and communism I personally and quite seriously don’t think that you could spell “communism” unaided and off the top of your head even to save your bloody pathetic life let alone know what it actually means or represents as a political or social concept (getting too complex for you boy?); and is just an incomprehensible sound byte in your social climbing antics, which you feel you must mouth off for effect and in the process hopefully garner some attention seeking media publicity for yourself. But now that you’ve been exposed for what you really are Noel Gallagher– a considerable loathsome jerk by any objective analysis– why don’t you simply crawl back into the stinking sewer where you emerged from and candidly would be much better of there? Or simply do the sane, intelligent and sensible among us out here a great big favour and just drop dead! The world at large will still carry on without your presence I assure you and that includes Britain too, and on the positive side there’d be one less lowlife scum in our midst to have to put up with!

As for those in their delusional and grandstanding fantasies who think that their puerile temper tantrums in quitting Jeremy Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet where they should never have been in the first place, the more of them leaving the better I say and for obvious reasons. And it emphatically reminds me of my outstanding social, educational and hygienic Barbadian upbringing; the latter, and for the purposes of this story, ensuring that from birth really, and throughout my entire life when I effectively as was expected personally took over such matters for myself, I was rather persuasively encouraged on a daily basis to always have regular and thorough bowel movements. And although in my family we always ate well, when I went to the loo to permanently discharge the waste in my guts from these sumptuous and discernibly appetizing eating habits, I didn’t at any time experience or express to myself any regret towards or felt any empathy with the pooh I was discharging into the lavatory bowl even though it was once a part of or, more fittingly, was located inside me and had stem from the many Barbadian delicacies that I relished and had most enjoyably eaten.

For what I now saw in that lavatory bowl had no bearing whatsoever to the former things that I’d gladly placed in my mouth at meal time and had gladly eaten. Therefore, my sentiments are precisely the same in regard to the turds in the parliamentary Labour Party generally and those loathsome treacherous members, past and present, of Jeremy Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet specifically. So do resign to your heart’s content, you useless shit-heads, is my considered advice. And good riddance! I shan’t mourn your passing, Freudian slip, any more than I do when I flush the loo and send my shit on its way to the sewerage farm!

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