Author's Comments:
These deeply inured, social climbing and brown-nosed prats: Admiral West and Rear Admiral Chris Parry both of whom allegedly "fought" in the Malvinas' War and are asininely between them criticising the Netflix Crown series - did either or both of them get all those medals they're narcissistically wearing by actually fighting on the frontline and, accordingly by example, leading by example the pillocks they were in control of? I thought not!
Or as is most likely the case, get them from sitting on their privileged white asses in absolute safety, and so totally out of harm's way, and from there giving out orders from these positions of absolute safety.
For like all these warmongering and highly delusional scum, exactly like their World War 1 counterparts in all branches of the UK Armed Forces, this lot, retired or not, are nothing more than armchair belligerents sending the cap-doffing m, ignorant and fawning plebs unconcernedly to their deaths?
And the only reason prats like these and other delusional empire loyalists pillocks are up in arms - figuratively the status for cowards - is because the Crown has massively and painfully obviously struck very sore nerves with all these imbecillic and educationally challenged morons. And from my own perspective, long may Netflix and the Crown continue to do so!