By Stanley Collymore Let’s scrub out the tan and make y… comparable to exquisitely beautifu… and determinedly superior, white Caucasian women: a common
By Stanley Collymore Realistically, this proposed book certainly cannot be more than two pages long, surely! And what is it genuinely about? How to…
By Stanley Collymore No child chooses to be born, let alone in that category of babies quite evilly termed as illegitimate, and both f…
By Stanley Collymore It does seem, that the Palace PR and the MSM sycophants do think that by keeping Kate’s name in the headlines people gener…
By Stanley Collymore If I didn’t know better, and with a quite brilliant intelligence to realistically prove it, I could perhaps just as easily as ma…
By Stanley Collymore Gyles Brandreth can’t be that much of the confidante he claims to be if he’s easily babbling this rather pointless and
By Stanley Collymore You could have told me and respons… permission in relation to what you… while we were officially engaged a… were telling everyone how excitedl…
By Stanley Collymore No number of lame excuses nor serial, evidently unconvincing explanations are ever likely now to persuade me towards believi…
By Stanley Collymore I’m not racist; just happen to be… considers it to be great fun to be… accordingly, simply love to take t… other people that I arbitrarily ca…
By Stanley Collymore Especially, for post-menopausal, white racist Karen trollops like yourself Sarah Vine! So rather than you infernally obsessing abou…
By Stanley Collymore Birthdays are the personal referen… To when our individual life began;… Transition in the interim period h… We now are, and will possibly also…
By Stanley Collymore We need a war: as we have no answers of any kind… repeated failures and full-scale c… of the economy, which we’ve
By Stanley Collymore Lift up yuh voices and shout loud… “Crop Over Festival is once more… Uh time fuh fun an’ relaxation too… nuh inhibitions please, as dat
By Stanley Collymore It simply shows how out of touch with reality this actual Windsor monarchical family is if they seriously think, as they rather ev…
By Stanley Collymore How fatuous can some people truly get, while others equally likemindedly as them, don’t really need any prompting to actua…