By Stanley Collymore Rather than so undeniably idiotically blabbing about nonsense issues such as “stability” and “tradition” could
By Stanley Collymore The fact that two people from this dysfunctional Windsor family of unaccomplished individuals might actually like each other, an…
By Stanley Collymore Freedom of thought, speech and personal expression however outrageous and lying these notions are and likewise egregious…
By Stanley Collymore If you’re going to bullshit people William at least be original in your actions. This photo of Louis, allegedly currently taken o…
By Stanley Collymore Harry is more of a dad and husband than Charles his biological father really is or could ever be; and the same
Why does the UK have to get involved in conflicts that are no concern of ours? Iran hasn’t attacked Britain or even threatened to do so! Consequently, their actions thus confined solely...
By Stanley Collymore Does anyone really know for sure w… all about? We all clearly think th… how realistic is that assumption a… are the conclusive grounds to prom…
By Stanley Collymore To the purblind cunt purportedly from Freiburg in Switzerland, which I rather much doubt as he has very evidently spelt Fre…
By Stanley Collymore Those distant days we made our own… and the several years which inevit… to have harmoniously coalesced int… beautiful and kaleidoscopic reserv…
By Stanley Collymore We can’t keep on meeting like this… have people talking about us. Thre… week we’ve unexpectedly bumped int… other as we respectively made our…
By Stanley Collymore Profusely and consistently you rai… strength and required temperature… onto my naked body and in such an… and sensual way that with each con…
By Stanley Collymore Boo hoo, quite plaintively sobs Kate Middleton, whatever on earth, will now expectantly become not just simply of my true
By Stanley Collymore Crimes against humanity, never were and still aren’t the sole preserve of non-whites either collectively or globally, n…
By Stanley Collymore Other than not being readily and effusively acknowledged as the actually pathetically fawning medieval mind-set serfs wh…
By Stanley Collymore Give me everything that you have; and I mean just that; for at this particular moment I feel absolutely and quite