By Stanley Collymore I don’t give a toss what other peo… just as it isn’t my problem, or wi… that such people are bloody idiots… uneducated, boring and unfulfilled
By Stanley Collymore Angela Kelly is acting like she deserves a medal or such like! Significantly so for what? Literally
By Stanley Collymore There’s beauty and there’s attract… while the former is very difficult… times impossible to quantify, the… characteristics that make beauty h…
By Stanley Collymore Childhood, adolescence and the thr… years of early adulthood were all… excellent to me; then most bafflin… and somewhat bizarrely really, I
By Stanley Collymore Of course there’s a God! Why the Devil did You ask? © Stanley V. Collymore
By Stanley Collymore I’m me! And to be absolutely hone… happy and most contended to be pre… someone who speaks his mind and fr… really give a damn who shies away…
By Stanley Collymore Another fawning and asininely ridiculous story by so-called but always nameless royal experts and an obvious indication…
By Stanley Collymore Quitting your seat as an MP? Frankly, I’m quite absolutely totally unimpressed; since even news of your death would have
By Stanley Collymore How and much more importantly why… so-called love that sensibly is no… can instantly, destructively and w… vengeance of hate show its true fa…
By Stanley Collymore We all of us inevitably worry about something or other that seemingly, we think or even seriously we very easily
By Stanley Collymore You’ve only touched the surface of me for underneath there’s much more just waiting to be fully explored.
By Stanley Collymore You’re self-evidently the sole arbitrator and likewise the ultimate destroyer of life; situations that unequivocally you
By Stanley Collymore I wanted to paint a rainbow in the… however, as a warning sign of incl… weather or the after-effects of su… but simply as an expression my
By Stanley Collymore Charles was a 32 years old former Naval Commander undeniably when he proposed to a 19 year old girl, so she could be use…
By Stanley Collymore My weaknesses are nullified by your strengths - yours by my full understanding and the greatest appreciation of